We think of school as a place where children learn new skills and knowledge. But what if school could also be a place where kids get training in fundamental psychological traits—focus, drive and self-control—that are critical for success in school and later in life? Programs geared toward ...
Date Posted: September 14, 2012
GO"The statistics are clear," Nancy Gibbs wrote in her article for Time magazine in 2006 entitled the Magic of the Family Meal: "Kids who dine with the folks are healthier, happier and better students". She's right, there is lots of evidence showing ...
Sep 14
GOChildren who watch films with a high sexual content tend to lose their virginity earlier and have more partners, a study has found. Not only are they more promiscuous, they are also more likely to engage in risky sex by not using condoms. The ...
Sep 14
GOWe all have a kind of virtual policeman living inside us. Amongst other things he's the guy that helps us work towards our goals, whether personal or professional. When things go wrong and we stray off the straight and narrow, he reminds us what ...
Sep 13
GOThe Economist and Wired highlighted a recent study from the journal Psychological Science, which found that thinking in a foreign language helps people to avoid common cognitive traps. In a series of studies, a group of psychologists found that ...
Sep 13
GONext time a man throws you an admiring glance, he’s probably just heard the intelligent things you’ve been saying. Many women will find it hard to believe, but new research suggests men increasingly value intellect and character in a ...
Sep 13
GODoctors have been telling men for years that smoking, drinking and recreational drugs can lower the quality of their sperm. What doctors should probably add is that the health of unborn children can be affected by what and how much men eat; the ...
Sep 12
GOA new study finds that active participation in an Alcoholics Anonymous program improves long-term recovery. Researchers found that recovering alcoholics who helped others in the program had better outcomes in terms of time sober, consideration of ...
Sep 12
GOTracking the developmental trajectory of mental illness is a critical, overlooked enterprise. Almost three quarters of psychiatric disorders start before age 24 and psychological problems in childhood often portend bona fide, or more severe, ...
Sep 12
GOStravinsky is one of seven eminent creators of the 20st century profiled by Harvard professor Howard Gardner in his 1993 book Creating Minds. The others are Pablo Picasso, Sigmund Freud, T.S. Eliot, Martha Graham, Mahatma Gandhi and Albert Einstein. ...
Sep 11
GOWith the discovery that the unconscious mind plays a key role in the placebo effect, researchers have identified a novel mechanism that helps explain the power of placebos and nocebos. Described in the Sept. 10 on-line issue of the Proceedings of ...
Sep 11
GOQuestionnaires and daily diary entries showed that fathers in particular expressed greater levels of happiness than men without children, says S. Katherine Nelson, lead study author and a doctoral candidate at University of California, Riverside. ...
Sep 10
GOWhen unexpected things happen, people tend to think they actually "knew it all along." This phenomenon is known as hindsight bias, and it occurs when we falsely convince ourselves we predicted something long before it happened. Most commonly seen ...
Sep 10
GOUsing the book, “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” as a supplement to her ideas, Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing PhD student Grace Ho is attempting to better define the line separating those two by evaluating Chinese-American mothers ...
Sep 10
GODoes the thought of boarding a plane make your palms sweat? How about starting a new job, or even just speaking up in a meeting? Anxiety plagues all of us in different ways, but new research from the University of California, Los Angeles suggests ...
Sep 8
GOSocial anxiety is usually treated with either cognitive behavioral therapy or medications. However, it is currently impossible to predict which treatment will work best for a particular patient. The team of researchers from MIT, Boston University ...
Sep 8