Grin and bear it

Have you ever been in a terrible mood, and someone tells you to smile? It usually doesn't make your mood any better to be TOLD to smile, but what if you actually DO smile? Does it help? Well, according to this paper, actually smiling may really ...

Dec 1


Inviting customer complaints can kill business: UBC research

Giving customers a chance to complain can be a bad idea if customers believe they’re to blame for a product’s failure, a new study from the Sauder School of Business at UBC shows. “It’s commonly assumed that giving customers a chance to ...

Dec 1


Wired S. Korea to stem digital addiction from age 3

Park Jung-in, an 11-year-old South Korean, sleeps with her Android smartphone instead of a teddy bear. When the screen beams with a morning alarm, she wakes up, picks up her glasses and scrolls through tens of unread messages from friends, shaking ...

Nov 30


Infographics on Special Education

Interesting inforgraphics on Special Education for Children with disabilities.

Nov 30

Categories: Academic Issues, Autism spectrum disorders, Developmental Disorders ...


Lonely elderly 'don't want to impose' on busy neighbours, study finds

The most common reasons given by elderly people for not getting to know those living close to them was that younger neighbours “always seem to be so busy” or that they did not wish to be a burden. Overall about 3.5 million people over 65 get ...

Nov 30


Cell Phone Addiction Similar to Compulsive Buying and Credit Card ...

Cell phone and instant messaging addictions are driven by materialism and impulsiveness and can be compared to consumption pathologies like compulsive buying and credit card misuse, according to a Baylor University study in the Journal of Behavioral ...

Nov 29

Categories: Addictions


No need to apologize in Person; Just send a Text

“People don’t feel bad shooting someone a text to cancel, but no one would ever pick up the phone and say, ‘Let’s have dinner next week because I want to go to this party instead,’ ” said Danielle Snyder, 27, a founder of the jewelry ...

Nov 29


Could sickness behavior and Major Depressive Disorder be linked?

All of the symptoms of sickness behavior are displayed not only by people who have an infection, but also by those who have been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). Could sickness behavior and MDD be linked? What happens in the brain to ...

Nov 29


Daydreaming really is the key to solving complex problems

Daydreaming really is the key to solving complex problems, a new study has found. Some of the most important scientific breakthroughs ever made - by everyone from Einstein to Newton - came about as the geniuses behind them allowed their minds to ...

Nov 28


Reducing sibling rivalry in youth improves later health and well-being

"Negative sibling relationships are strongly linked to aggressive, anti-social and delinquent behaviors, including substance use," said Mark Feinberg, research professor in the Prevention Research Center for the Promotion of Human Development. "On ...

Nov 28

Categories: Adult psychological development, Child and/or Adolescent Issues


Social and Emotional Learning Empowers Children

MindUP is an evidence-based curriculum that fosters social and emotional awareness, enhances psychological wellbeing, and promotes academic success. Students are instructed in basic neuroscience, which demonstrates that the reflective part of their ...

Nov 28


How the threat of violence can make us nice to each other

Under threat of violence, we have a natural instinct to stick together. Researchers say this basic urge explains their seemingly odd observation that feeling threatened, rather than making people bristle, can actually increase their agreeableness

Nov 27


To Get the Best Look at a Person's Face, Look Just Below the Eyes

They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. However, to get a real idea of what a person is up to, according to UC Santa Barbara researchers Miguel Eckstein and Matt Peterson, the best place to check is right below the eyes. Their findings ...

Nov 27


12 Depression Busters for Caregivers

Nearly one-third of people caring for terminally ill loved ones suffer from depression according to research from Yale University. About one in four family caregivers meet the clinical criteria of anxiety. And a recent study found that 41 percent of ...

Nov 27


Children under three should not watch screens, a leading psychologist ...

Dr Aric Sigman is warning that screens "may produce" an increased level of dopamine in children's brains. He suggests this could lead to a dependency on screen media when they are older. There are calls for more research to be carried out as ...

Nov 26

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