Mindfulness meditation may relieve chronic inflammation

People suffering from chronic inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and asthma — in which psychological stress plays a major role — may benefit from mindfulness meditation techniques, according to a ...

Jan 17

Categories: Mindfulness Meditation


Can home therapy help autistic kids?

SINGAPORE - After being diagnosed with severe autism at the age of three, much of Nathan Perez's childhood was centred on shuttling between numerous therapy centres. Nine months ago, Nathan's parents made a radical switch to home-based therapy ...

Jan 17


The 12 cognitive biases that prevent you from being rational

The human brain is capable of 1016 processes per second, which makes it far more powerful than any computer currently in existence. But that doesn't mean our brains don't have major limitations. The lowly calculator can do math thousands of times ...

Jan 16


Childhood trauma leaves its mark on the brain

It is well known that violent individuals are often themselves the victims of psychological trauma experienced in childhood. Some of these individuals also exhibit alterations in their orbitofrontal cortex. But is there a connection between these ...

Jan 16


Do the Brain Benefits of Exercise Last?

It is well established that exercise bolsters the structure and function of the brain. Multiple animal and human studies have shown that a few months of moderate exercise can create new neurons, lift mood and hone memory and thinking. But few ...

Jan 16


Quelling the Quarter Life Crisis With Psychology and Economics

Many young adults today find themselves facing a crisis of direction in their lives and identify this experience as a 'quarter life crisis.' Critics however suggest that this is nothing more than common life angst, heighted by the echo chambers of a ...

Jan 15


Graphic warnings on cigarettes effective across demographic groups

Quitting smoking is a common New Year's resolution for Americans each year, but research has repeatedly shown it is not an easy task. Some groups, such as racial/ethnic minorities, have an even harder time quitting. New research suggests ...

Jan 15

Categories: Addictions


What's the best way to learn? Psychologists tackle studying techniques

What's the best way to study for a test? A new study says taking practice tests and engaging in distributed practice -- which means sticking to a schedule of spreading out your studying over time -- work the best. Surprisingly, the methods that ...

Jan 15


All it takes is 10 mindful minutes

Jan 14

Categories: Mindfulness Meditation


Clinical Trial Finds Intensive Treatment Highly Effective for ...

In a second randomized clinical trial, researchers at the Institute for Autism Research at Canisius College have found a comprehensive summer treatment (summerMax) to be highly effective for children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders ...

Jan 14

Categories: Autism spectrum disorders


Do to we change the way Society Behaves

If you want to deter crime, it seems that you’d want to lengthen prison sentences so that criminals would face steeper costs for breaking the law. In fact, a mountain of research shows that increases in prison terms have done nothing to deter ...

Jan 14


Social disapproval leads to longer lasting behaviour change than cash ...

If you want to influence people's behaviour by hitting them where it hurts, the wallet seems like a great place to aim. Say a local authority began fining litter-bugs on the spot, you can bet the streets would soon be cleaner. But there's a ...

Jan 12


Investigating the bystander effect

The bystander effect is well-known in behavioural psychology and suggests that the more people who witnessing a violent emergency the less likely it is that someone will intervene. It was first identified in the 1960s, but conducting research on the ...

Jan 12


CBT targets emotional barriers to help people successfully lose weight

Roll -up, roll up wanna know the best way to lose weight? Got your attention? Great! I’m sure at one point or another we’ve all struggled to find the best way to lose weight and keep it off. And sure you don’t have to be a rocket scientist ...

Jan 12


How to Stop Biting Your Nails

The bad habit of nail-biting is much more common than you might think. Some studies have found about one-quarter of children bite their nails habitually (Ghanizadeh & Shekoohi, 2011), others say it may peak at almost 45% in adolescence (Peterson ...

Jan 11

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