People who self-identify as dieters are an unhappy bunch on the whole. They usually score high on measures of depression and anxiety and low on self-esteem. A new study provides a clue as to why. Jessie de Witt Huberts and her colleagues tested three groups of female students and found the "restrained eaters" (they reported dieting more often and ...
Date Posted: February 21, 2013
GOChris Kline doesn't like to tell his wife of 17 years, Tara, that he loves her. He prefers to show her—by loading her favorite songs on her phone and warming up her car on cold mornings. While she was away on business recently, he surprised her by ...
Feb 20
GOFear responses can only be erased when people learn something new while retrieving the fear memory. This is the conclusion of a study conducted by scientists from the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and published in the leading journal Science.
Feb 20
Categories: Fear
GOMother Teresa famously said: "If I look at the mass, I will never act. If I look at the one, I will." There are worse people to turn to for lessons in human charity, and here Calcutta's celebrated missionary also showed an astute grasp of cognitive ...
Feb 20
GOIt is not an everyday finding for radiologists, who are skilled at searching scans for tiny anomalies with potentially life-threatening consequences. But in one study, more than three-quarters of specialist tumour spotters were caught out by the ...
Feb 19
GOChildren and adolescents who watch a lot of television are more likely to manifest antisocial and criminal behaviour when they become adults, according to a new University of Otago, New Zealand, study published online in the US journal ...
Feb 19
Categories: Antisocial personality, Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child ...
GOPicking a therapist can seem like a daunting and time-consuming task. As clinical psychologist Christina G. Hibbert, Psy.D, said, “It’s hard enough to get yourself to therapy when you need it, but to have to then ‘shop around’ for the right ...
Feb 19
GOYou're at the table with the rest of your team, ready to brainstorm new ideas or plan the next product launch. Looking around, their faces are reassuring - you know this is a bunch of talented and experienced individuals. Working together you have ...
Feb 18
GOParents act differently with different children—for example, being more positive with one child and more negative with another. A new longitudinal study has found that this behavior negatively affects not only the child who receives more negative ...
Feb 18
Categories: Child Development, Parenting
GOSo now we can see why there is an evolutionary pressure pushing motorists towards hatred of cyclists. Deep within the human psyche, fostered there because it helps us co-ordinate with strangers and so build the global society that is a hallmark of ...
Feb 18
GOBefore reading a new article in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, I never thought of a backup plan as something that might be motivating in itself. Surely all the benefit of a backup plan accrues when the main plan goes wrong and ...
Feb 16
GOUsing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) for before-and-after analysis, a team of researchers including a UC Santa Barbara graduate student discovered positive changes in brain activity in children with autism who received a particular ...
Feb 16
Categories: Autism spectrum disorders, Pivotal Response Treatment
GOIt should probably tell us something that the most frequently asked question on Google last year was “What is love?” Clearly, most of us are clueless on the matter; otherwise we wouldn’t be turning to algorithms for an explanation. Which ...
Feb 16
GOTraditional brainstorming is inefficient but the process can be tweaked to produce more high quality ideas. For many years brainstorming has been a very popular way for groups to generate new ideas, especially in business. This is despite the ...
Feb 15
GOCuddling, kissing and holding hands are the kinds of behavior you might expect to see this time of year. So why do the days that follow Valentine's Day mark the largest spike on the calendar for breakups? Affectionate behavior is not all that it ...
Feb 15
Categories: Relationships & Marriage
GODuring Ms Yee Yung Jen’s job interview last year, for the position of service crew at a fast-food restaurant, the first thing that her potential employers questioned her on was her declaration in the application form that she had “depression” ...
Feb 15