Humans may look down upon certain sexual interests as odd or gross, though chances are that animals indulge in a spot of similar behaviour too. Romantic relationships are complicated, and so is sex. Relationships can be fraught with the potential for miscommunication or misunderstanding at the ...
Date Posted: February 27, 2013
GOPrevious research has shown that being able to call up concrete, detailed memories that are positive or self-affirming can help to boost positive mood for people with a history of depression. But it’s this kind of vivid memory for everyday events ...
Feb 27
Categories: Depression
GOnal relationships. But the trend for the past decade has been to move away from interpersonal methods of treatment and toward cognitive therapies that allow for short-term treatment of problems, rather than a commitment of months or even years of ...
Feb 26
GOFor chronic pain sufferers, such as people who develop back pain after a car accident, avoiding the harmful effects of stress may be key to managing their condition. This is particularly important for people with a smaller-than-average hippocampus, ...
Feb 26
Categories: Pain management, Stress Management
GOWhen I walk into my psychiatrist’s office, I often feel like I am wearing a shirt stating: people with a serious mental illness will require medication for the rest of their lives. It is a tough pill to swallow−pardon the pun−but something I ...
Feb 26
GOPlaying video games does stir hostile urges and mildly aggressive behavior in the short term. Moreover, youngsters who develop a gaming habit can become slightly more aggressive, at least over a year or two. Yet it is not at all clear whether, ...
Feb 25
GOOn the evening of April 8, 1999, a long line of Town Cars and taxis pulled up to the Minneapolis headquarters of Pillsbury and discharged 11 men who controlled America’s largest food companies. Nestlé was in attendance, as were Kraft and Nabisco, ...
Feb 25
GOThere's been a debate raging in academic circles for years. Does having children really make one happier? Most parents say their kids absolutely make them happy, but some researchers have come to question that. NPR science correspondent Shankar ...
Feb 25
GOThis is a beautifully made inspirational video made to highlight the issues of Bullying from young.
Feb 23
Categories: Bullying, Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child Development
GOInfluence techniques vary considerably in how effective, ethical and easy to perform they are. At the easy, more ethical end of the spectrum, is affirming someone's right to choose. This is a benign strategy which happens to have the handy ...
Feb 23
GOScientists used a distraction learning strategy to help older adults overcome age-related forgetting and boost their performance to that of younger adults. Distraction learning sounds like an oxymoron, but a growing body of science is showing that ...
Feb 23
Categories: Cognitive Problems Amnesia / Dementia
GOFeeling good about spending money on someone else rather than for personal benefit may be a universal response among people in both impoverished countries and rich nations, according to new research published by the American Psychological ...
Feb 22
Categories: Happiness
GOA new study shows that children who are exposed to bullying during childhood are at increased risk of psychiatric disorders in adulthood, regardless of whether they are victims or perpetrators. This study, published in Online First by JAMA ...
Feb 22
GOWhy do straight women and gay men form close relationships with one another? A new psychology study from The University of Texas at Austin suggests the glue that cements these unique relationships is honest, unbiased relationship advice.
Feb 22
Categories: LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender) Issues
GORemember when Neo got to choose between the red pill and the blue pill? The blue pill would have put him back to sleep in the fake world of cubicles and steaks in the Matrix, where the red pill would wake him up to the real world and its industrial ...
Feb 21
GOAdding movement to mental rehearsal can improve performance finds a study in BioMed Central’s open access journal Behavioral and Brain Functions. For high jumpers the study shows that dynamic imagery improves the number of successful attempts and ...
Feb 21