Looking for Evidence That Therapy Works

Mental-health care has come a long way since the remedy of choice was trepanation — drilling holes into the skull to release “evil spirits.” Over the last 30 years, treatments like cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy and ...

Apr 1


Teachers' gestures during teaching boost math learning

Students perform better when their instructors use hand gestures - a simple teaching tool that could yield benefits in higher-level math such as algebra. A study published in Child Development, the top-ranked educational psychology journal, ...

Apr 1

Categories: Learning Difficulties


A Point of View: Is there a secret to a happy marriage?

Anyone who tells you their rules for a happy marriage doesn't have one. There's a truth universally acknowledged, or one that ought to be anyway. Just as the people who write books about good sex are never people you would want to sleep with, and ...

Apr 1


Living With Less. A Lot Less.

I LIVE in a 420-square-foot studio. I sleep in a bed that folds down from the wall. I have six dress shirts. I have 10 shallow bowls that I use for salads and main dishes. When people come over for dinner, I pull out my extendable dining room table. ...

Mar 28


Women make better decisions than men

Women’s abilities to make fair decisions when competing interests are at stake make them better corporate leaders, researchers have found. A survey of more than 600 board directors showed that women are more likely to consider the rights of ...

Mar 28


The Touch-Screen Generation

In 2011, the American Academy of Pediatrics updated its policy on very young children and media. In 1999, the group had discouraged television viewing for children younger than 2, citing research on brain development that showed this age group’s ...

Mar 28


Mindfulness Improves Reading Ability, Working Memory, and Task-Focus

If you think your inability to concentrate is a hopeless condition, think again - and breathe, and focus. According to a study by researchers at the UC Santa Barbara, as little as two weeks of mindfulness training can significantly improve one's ...

Mar 27

Categories: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Mindfulness ...


Legalizing same-sex marriage: Politics, personalities, and persuasion ...

Many people are wondering what this means for the future of same-sex marriage in the United States. Why exactly is this such a contentious issue, and why do Americans’ opinions seem to differ so greatly? When it comes to marriage equality, why ...

Mar 27


Five Year-Olds Who Watch TV for Three or More Hours a Day More Likely ...

Five year-olds who watch TV for three or more hours a day are increasingly likely to develop antisocial behaviours, such as fighting or stealing by the age of seven, indicates research published online in Archives of Disease in Childhood. But the ...

Mar 27

Categories: Social Anxiety / Phobia, Social Isolation


Love letters and kindness may improve mental health

It might sound a bit like new-age nonsense to some people, but new research suggests being kind might actually be good for your mental health. A study published in the journal Emotion reports that performing acts of kindness may help people with ...

Mar 26


Arguments in the Home Linked With Babies' Brain Functioning

Being exposed to arguments between parents is associated with the way babies' brains process emotional tone of voice, according to a new study to be published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. The ...

Mar 26

Categories: Child Development, Parenting


4 Steps to Break Down Failure

There is an epidemic of feelings of failure in our country. And failure is so definitive. When you think you failed, there is not much wiggle room to be anything other than “a failure.” A horrible way to see yourself! This becomes a belief ...

Mar 26


Using Creative Design to influence human behavior

A thoughtfully designed building, a well-engineered car or a beautifully decorated home can all stimulate the pleasure centers in our brains. We're also drawn to certain colors and shapes, though for a long time we weren't sure why. That is ...

Mar 25


Alterations in brain activity in children at risk of schizophrenia ...

Research from the University of North Carolina has shown that children at risk of developing schizophrenia have brains that function differently than those not at risk. Brain scans of children who have parents or siblings with the illness reveal a ...

Mar 25

Categories: Child Development, Schizophrenia


Mindfulness Helps Us Understand Our True Personalities, Study Says

It's easy to have blind spots when examining our own selves and personalities. After all, it's incredibly difficult to judge ourselves in an objective manner. But a new study suggests the best way to really get to know ourselves -- without help from ...

Mar 25

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