Depressive Thinking Can Be Contagious

We don’t think of emotional states as passing from one person to another, but a new study suggests some depressive thoughts can go viral. Researchers studying a group of college students found that certain types of depressive thinking can ...

May 2


Risk of depression influenced by quality of relationships

The mantra that quality is more important than quantity is true when considering how social relationships influence depression, say U-M researchers in a new study. After analyzing data from nearly 5,000 American adults, the researchers found that ...

May 2

Categories: Depression, Relationships & Marriage


How to Be a Better Friend

I've had the same best friend since the first grade, although we haven't lived in the same state since the Clinton administration, and we almost never call when we say we will. Without the obvious trappings of a good friendship, such as face time ...

May 1


Feeling connectedness and coherence in your environment makes Life ...

Experiencing connections, regularities, and coherence in their environment may lead people to feel a greater sense of meaning in life, according to a new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological ...

May 1

Categories: Life Purpose / Meaning / Inner-Guidance


How Does Sex Differ from Intimacy?

Are sex and intimacy different things? Can you have one without the other? Or does one lead to another? It seems that there are many conflicting opinions on the roles of sex and intimacy within a relationship (and out of one, too). It is ...

May 1


Reading wordless storybooks to toddlers may expose them to richer ...

Researchers at the University of Waterloo have found that children hear more complex language from parents when they read a storybook with only pictures compared to a picture-vocabulary book. The findings appear in the latest issue of the journal ...

Apr 30

Categories: Child Development


Research suggests that mental illnesses lie along a spectrum

David Kupfer is a modern-day heretic. A psychiatrist at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, Kupfer, has spent the past six years directing the revision of a book commonly referred to as the bible of the psychiatric field. The work will ...

Apr 30


Pathological gambling caused by excessive optimism

Compulsive gamblers suffer from an optimism bias that modifies their subjective representation of probability and affects their decisions in situations involving high-risk monetary wagers. This is the conclusion drawn by Jean-Claude Dreher’s ...

Apr 30

Categories: Addictions, Gambling Addiction


An inside look at happy

Psychologist studies what makes people look at life differently Sonja Lyubomirsky says you have a happiness set point, partly encoded in your genes. If something good happens, your sense of happiness rises; if something bad happens, it falls. But ...

Apr 29


Where is the Self in Treatment of Mental Disorder

A lot of treatment for mental health concerns is focused on the disorder. Medications for the symptoms, cognitive-behavioral therapy for the irrational thoughts. Professionals always asking “How’re you doing?” “How’s the week been?” ...

Apr 29


Green Space Means More for Satisfaction Than a Neighborhood's Average ...

As we've seen again and again, people are generally happier when they have access to grass, trees, and flowers. In terms of the many other things required to have a satisfying life in urban settings, how important is living near parks and ...

Apr 27


Poor parenting - including overprotection - increases bullying risk

Children who are exposed to negative parenting – including abuse, neglect but also overprotection – are more likely to experience childhood bullying by their peers, according to a meta-analysis of 70 studies of more than 200,000 children. The ...

Apr 27

Categories: Bullying, Parenting


Meditation can increase your body temperature

Feeling cold? Try meditation! Meditation can make you feel warmer, a new study conducted in Tibet suggests, which found the core body temperature can be controlled by the brain. Researchers led by Associate Professor Maria Kozhevnikov from the ...

Apr 27


Early dialogue between parents and children most effective in ...

Early, substantive dialogue between parents and their grade-school age children about the ills of tobacco and alcohol use can be more powerful in shaping teen behavior than advertising, marketing or peer pressure, a University of Texas at Arlington ...

Apr 26

Categories: Addictions


5 Ways to Help Your Kids Use Social Media Responsibly

“For most teens, the Internet is a fundamental part of life,” according to Dana Udall-Weiner, Ph.D, a psychologist who specializes in media literacy. It’s how they communicate and interact. Teens use social media sites like Facebook for ...

Apr 26

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