Complementary medicine in wide use to treat children with autism, ...

In the search for treatments to help their children, families may turn to unconventional approaches such as mind-body medicine (e.g. ...

Jan 14

Categories: Autism spectrum disorders, Child Development


Pilot counselling hotline to improve workplace mental health

SINGAPORE - In a nation of stressed-out workaholics and long working hours, plans to improve mental health at the workplace, such as introducing a counselling hotline for employees and a workplace depression education campaign, are in the ...

Jan 13

Categories: Workplace Issues


One in, one out: Oxford study shows people limit social networks

Despite the way that mobile technologies and social networking sites have made it easier to stay in touch with large numbers of acquaintances, a new study has shown that people still put most of their efforts into communicating with small numbers of ...

Jan 13

Categories: Friendships, Relationships & Marriage


Can a Blind Person Be a Racist?

Do blind people understand race? Given the vast and sprawling writings on race over the past several decades, it is surprising that scholars have not explored this question in any real depth. Race has played a profound and central role to human ...

Jan 12


Pressure from rising costs can escalate violence against children

MALAYSIA: Experts are ringing alarm bells that child abuse cases are bound to escalate and a contributing factor is mounting pressure on families in trying to deal with the high cost of living. The Malaysian Mental Health Association says the ...

Jan 11

Categories: Child Development, Parenting


Meditation is an Effective Treatment for Depression, Anxiety and Pain

A medical journal review has found that just 30 minutes daily meditation can improve the symptoms of depression, anxiety and pain. Participants in this review had had at least 4 hours of instruction in a form of meditation, such as mindfulness or ...

Jan 10

Categories: Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Depression, Meditation


Childhood amnesia kicks in around age 7

You could travel the world with an infant aged under 3 and it's almost guaranteed that when they get older they won't remember a single boat trip, plane ride or sunset. This is thanks to a phenomenon, known as childhood or infantile amnesia, that ...

Jan 10

Categories: Child Development


Nociceptin: Nature’s Balm for the Stressed Brain

Collaborating scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the University of Camerino in Italy have published new findings on a system in the brain that naturally moderates the effects of stress. ...

Jan 9

Categories: Stress Management


Alcohol, tobacco and drug use higher in mentally ill

New research from the Washington University School of Medicine has revealed that compared with the general population, alcohol, tobacco and drug use is much higher among individuals who have psychotic disorders.

Jan 9

Categories: Addictions


More needs to be done for Mental Health in Singapore

Few years ago, a study had indicated that while one in eight children in Singapore have emotional disorders, and one in 20 have behavioural disorders, only 10% ever see a psychiatrist. The study, “Emotional and behavioural problems in Singaporean ...

Jan 9

Categories: Child Development, Mental Health in Asia


A Phrase To Renounce For 2014: 'The Mentally Ill'

I saw it most recently in The New York Times, in the headline pictured above and a recent masthead editorial: “Equal Coverage For The Mentally Ill.” It’s all over, from The Boston Globe — “New Era for the Mentally Ill“ – to The Wall ...

Jan 9


Shirt design featuring "Depression" pulled from Urban Outfitters

Popular clothing store, Urban Outfitters is the subject of controversy once again. The store, which draws in a young crowd, is under fire for selling a woman's cropped t-shirt with the word depression printed all over it. This 'depression' shirt has ...

Jan 8

Categories: Depression


Early Detection Key to Treatment in Youth

KUALA LUMPUR: EARLY detection of poor mental health among students and early treatment are important to prevent further complications and the higher risk of developing mental illnesses. The Health Ministry's Mental Health Promotion Advisory ...

Jan 8

Categories: Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child Development, Schizophrenia, ...


As dating apps grow in popularity, people still feel some stigma

A recent Pew study found that 11 percent of American adults have used online dating sites or mobile apps - a figure that was just 3 percent five years ago. Among Internet users who were currently single and looking for a partner, 38 percent had ...

Jan 7

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Anxiety: Getting Excited Beats Trying to Calm Down

A study on anxiety-inducing activities like public speaking finds that the intuitive response–consciously trying to calm down - isn't the best strategy. Instead, people instructed to say to themselves, "I am excited" before a stressful ordeal, ...

Jan 7

Categories: Anxiety

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