Do you have an expensive but uncomfortable pair of shoes or jeans at the back of your cupboard that you never ever wear, but you simply cannot throw away because to do so would be to admit defeat and recognise that you wasted a lot of money? If so, you are suffering from the sunk-cost bias or ...
Date Posted: January 22, 2014
Categories: Mindfulness Meditation
GOWe often hear the cornerstone of healthy parenting quoted as consistently “responding with sensitivity” to our infants’ and children’s emotional and physical needs in relation to their biological-developmental stage. And while I agree this ...
Jan 21
Categories: Parenting, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / Trauma / Complex ...
GOFor young children and adolescents, bullying can be a norm at school. Children who face bullying can suffer mental health illnesses especially if they do not seek help. Not only are victims of bullying at risk, a new study is reporting that bullies ...
Jan 21
Categories: Bullying, Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child Development
GOYou’ve probably heard the phrase ”fake it ‘til you make it.” The idea is that imitating confidence — be it at work, in romance, or whatever — can A) trick people into thinking you’re competent and confident and B) eventually lead to ...
Jan 21
Categories: Workplace Issues
GOIt might be true that people have a harder time controlling themselves when they are tired at the end of the day, but that doesn't mean that self-control is a limited resource, say authors in the Cell Press publication Trends in Cognitive Sciences ...
Jan 20
Categories: Control Issues
GOSINGAPORE - A migrant workers' group has called for greater protection of the mental well-being of foreign domestic workers (FDWs). The Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (HOME) said current laws in Singapore are not adequate in ...
Jan 20
Categories: Workplace Issues
GOWhat makes a great comedian? In comedy it’s often a matter of taste–one man’s comedian is another’s buffoon–but are there certain personality factors that make a comedian? To find out a new study published in the British Journal of ...
Jan 20
GOThis systematic review of psychological therapies for borderline personality disorder (BPD), conducted in Spain, takes an interesting approach to reviewing the literature. Unfortunately, there appear to have been challenges in translating the ...
Jan 19
Categories: Borderline Personality Disorder
GOI choked. It was just a middle-school tennis match against a manifestly worse player, but I became overwhelmed with anxiety. Before we’d started, the most important thing was to win. But during the match, I just wanted to get off the court fast. ...
Jan 18
Categories: Anxiety
GOMany studies suggest that pushing your brain to multitask — writing emails, for instance, while watching the day’s latest news and eating breakfast — leads to poorer performance and lower productivity. But for at least one everyday task — ...
Jan 17
GOEver want to change something about your partner? Get him or her to eat better or work less? Exercise more? Stop nagging or yelling? Start with a mirror. Your best chance of transforming someone else—and the dynamic in your relationship—is to ...
Jan 17
Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Relationships & Marriage
GOAlthough Narcissus himself might not have been able to step away from his reflection in the mirror to get to the office, when it comes to leadership, a moderate amount of narcissism can go a long way. So says a new study published in the journal ...
Jan 16
GOThe open office was originally conceived by a team from Hamburg, Germany, in the nineteen-fifties, to facilitate communication and idea flow. But a growing body of evidence suggests that the open office undermines the very things that it was ...
Jan 16
Categories: Workplace Issues
GOAs counterintuitive as it may seem, a study has revealed that inflated praise given to children who are suffering from low self-esteem could be detrimental to their ability to overcome their feelings of inadequacy. Whilst children with high ...
Jan 15
Categories: Child Development
GOStress is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure. And coupled with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, it is the reason for one in five visits to GPs. NHS Corby and NHS Nene Clinical Commissioning Groups ...
Jan 15
Categories: Stress Management
GOA new study, which included over 1,000 participants, is one of the first to examine the long-term effects of green spaces on mental health (Alcock et al., 2014). People in the study were followed over five years, in which time some moved to greener ...
Jan 15
Categories: Stress Management