People with bipolar disorder are bigger risk-takers

Research led by The University of Manchester has shown that circuits in the brain involved in pursuing and relishing rewarding experiences are more strongly activated in people with bipolar disorder - guiding them towards riskier gambles and away ...

Jul 14

Categories: Bipolar, Gambling Addiction


After a Concussion, Which Teens Will Have Emotional Symptoms?

After a concussion, teens who are sensitive to light or noise may be more likely to also have emotional symptoms such as anxiety. The symptoms after a concussion can vary widely from person to person. Symptoms can include physical, emotional and ...

Jul 14

Categories: Teenage Issues


How to Get Over Stage Fright

What if you suddenly became intensely afraid of some integral part of your own career? In a recent interview with Fresh Air about her new film Obvious Child, Jenny Slate talked about her sudden-onset stage fright, a potentially career-killing phobia ...

Jul 12

Categories: Phobias, Social Anxiety / Phobia


Study cracks how the brain processes emotions

Although feelings are personal and subjective, the human brain turns them into a standard code that objectively represents emotions across different senses, situations and even people, reports a new study by Cornell University neuroscientist Adam ...

Jul 12


Medication found to be helpful in treatment of phobias, ...

A drug used to treat Parkinson's disease could also help people with phobias or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Scientists of the Translational Neurosciences (FTN) Research Center at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) are currently ...

Jul 11

Categories: Phobias, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / Trauma / Complex PTSD


Stop cheering me up: Some people don't want to hear it

So, your friend is wailing about the miseries of her bush league job, failed romance, clunker of a car, and all-around lousy life. Instead of trying to cheer her up by saying something positive like "things will get better," you might be better off ...

Jul 10


Why does Happiness at work usually dips Mid Career?

If you're in or not far from your thirties, you're part of the age group that previous research shows is most likely to experience lower workplace wellbeing. A new study suggests the reasons for this midlife dip: a double whammy of more demands on ...

Jul 10

Categories: Workplace Issues


How to be Happy by Giving to Others

The Declaration of Independence proclaims that the pursuit of happiness is an unalienable right. Indeed, happiness is a universal human yearning- people of all ages, genders, shapes, and sizes want to be happy. And humans have shown themselves to be ...

Jul 10

Categories: Happiness


The upside to winter

Winter is coming!" is the fearful catch-cry of TV series Game of Thrones. And historically, there's good reason to be afraid. In ancient communities, the months following the winter solstice were famine months. While starvation may not be something ...

Jul 9


The link between Personality and Heart Attacks

A new study published in the current issue of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics has addressed the relationship between personality and heart attacks. Distressed (type D) personality (TDP), characterized by high negative affectivity (NA) and social ...

Jul 9

Categories: Health / Illness / Medical Issues


Neurosurgeons finds key that turns consciousness on and off

The 54-year-old epilepsy patient - her name remains concealed to protect her privacy - was lying on the operating table while surgeons explored inside her brain with electrodes. They were looking for the source of her epileptic seizures. Suddenly, ...

Jul 9


Can certain foods worsen anxiety and others have a calming effect?

Coping with anxiety can be a challenge and often requires making lifestyle changes. There aren't any diet changes that can cure anxiety, but watching what you eat may help.

Jul 8

Categories: Anxiety


The difference between our remembering self

How many of us when asked if we're happy distinguish between the happiness we're experiencing right now in this present moment versus how happy we feel about life in general? It's an important question because until quite recently, many working in ...

Jul 8

Categories: Happiness


Stress reduction from just 25 minutes of mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation has become an increasingly popular way for people to improve their mental and physical health, yet most research supporting its benefits has focused on lengthy, weeks-long training programs. New research from Carnegie Mellon ...

Jul 8

Categories: Mindfulness Meditation, Stress Management


New research could uncover genes at the root of psychiatric illnesses

Understanding the basis of psychiatric disorders has been extremely challenging because there are many genetic variants that may increase risk but are insufficient to cause disease. Now investigators describe a strategy that may help reveal how such ...

Jul 7

Categories: Schizophrenia

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