Music therapy reduces depression

Music therapy can reduce depression in children and adolescents with emotional and behavioural problems, a large new study finds.

Oct 29


Is your boss making you sick?

Having a bad boss can make your work life a misery, but it can also make you sick, both physically and mentally, researchers say.

Oct 28

Categories: Workplace Issues


Gifts in the desert: the psychology of Burning Man

Burning Man is a massive weeklong public arts festival held every August in Black Rock City, Nevada. You might imagine this event, where 65,000 people converge in a blazing desert devoid of water, food or electricity, would be a recipe for disaster.

Oct 28


Alcohol improves memory in later years

For people over 60, light or moderate alcohol intake is associated with better recall of past events, according to a new study. Links were also found between increased size of the hippocampus — the area of the brain crucial to memory — and ...

Oct 27


People burn blind suffer 4 times more nightmares

People who are born blind have four times as many nightmares as sighted people, according to a new study conducted by the Danish Centre for Sleep Medicine. The findings confirm that nightmares are related to a person’s daytime stress.

Oct 27


Gossip can promote self-reflection and growth

Whether they like to admit it or not, most people are interested in gossip about other people’s achievements and failures. And while gossip is often seen as negative, a new study has found that listening to gossip may help us adapt to a social ...

Oct 27


Reminiscing can help boost mental performance

New research led by Cornell University neuroscientist Nathan Spreng shows for the first time that engaging brain areas linked to so-called "off-task" mental activities (such as mind-wandering and reminiscing) can actually boost performance on some ...

Oct 25

Categories: Aging & Geriatric Issues


Eating Fruits, Vegetables Boosts Mental Health, Says Study

Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables can help improve mental health, an Australian study says.

Oct 25


Grief brings infection risk for elderly

Bereavement affects a person’s immune system, and the impact varies as we grow older, say researchers.

Oct 24


Software model predicts risk of depression relapse

German neuroscientists have written a software program that they believe can calculate the risk for experiencing a major depression relapse.

Oct 24


Animal therapy can ease college stress

Researchers found a 60 percent decrease in self-reported anxiety and loneliness symptoms among college students following animal-assisted therapy.

Oct 24


New research reveals why up to one in six people get SAD in Winter

Scientists have found that people who have Seasonally Affected Disorder (SAD) show important differences in the way the neurotransmitter serotonin is regulated in the brain. Serotonin is thought to play a part in how our moods change.

Oct 23


Depressed people believe in better life ahead

A new study finds that even depressed people are optimistic about the future. However, researchers also discovered the positive outlook may not lead to better outcomes.

Oct 23


Strong vocabulary protects against cognitive decline

New research suggests a robust vocabulary may reduce mild cognitive impairment and lead to a lower risk of developing dementia.

Oct 23


Women more likely to develop anxiety and depression after a heart ...

Women are more likely to develop anxiety and depression after a heart attack than men, according to new research. “The World Health Organization predicts that by 2020 depression will be the second leading cause of disability and mortality in the ...

Oct 21

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