Conscientiousness is not really up there among the sexiest qualities a person can have, but maybe it should be. New research in Psychological Science found that people who have careful, reliable partners tend to do better at work; they make more money, get more promotions, and are happier at their jobs.
Date Posted: November 19, 2014
Categories: Relationships & Marriage
GONeuroscientists at Georgetown University Medical Center (GUMC) are zeroing in on brain factors and behaviors that put teens at risk of alcohol use and abuse even before they start drinking.
Nov 18
Categories: Addictions, Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child Development
GOWhen we look at our lives, we tend to break them up into chapters, rather like the seasons of a TV box set. Potential dividers come in many forms, including the dawn of a new year, or the start of a new job. But if those events act as a marker ...
Nov 18
GOCognitive therapy, commonly known as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), aims to help people to identify and change negative, self-destructive thought patterns. And although it does not work for everyone with depression, data have been accumulating ...
Nov 17
Categories: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Depression
GOLearning to pay attention to your emotions is a more powerful weight-loss strategy than greater nutritional knowledge, a new study finds.
Nov 17
Categories: Eating Disorders
GOFrightening experiences do not quickly fade from memory. A team of researchers under the guidance of the University of Bonn Hospital has now been able to demonstrate in a study that the bonding hormone oxytocin inhibits the fear center in the brain ...
Nov 15
Categories: Fear
GOIf the extent of human suffering were used to decide which diseases deserve the most medical attention, then depression would be near the top of the list. More than 350 million people are affected by depression, making it one of the most common ...
Nov 15
Categories: Depression
GOA neighborhood’s “walkability” can be a key factor for maintaining physical and cognitive health among older adults.
Nov 14
GONew research finds that when adolescents believe they are better than their peers, the belief will probably cause relationship difficulties.
Nov 14
GOA new review argues that for the 800,000 UK citizens who experience it all or most of the time, loneliness itself is the disease: it directly alters our perception, our thoughts, and the very structure and chemistry of our brains.
Nov 14
GONew research suggests the amount of education a woman has along with having children later in life are key predictor’s of a child’s success in adulthood.
Nov 13
GOThe best way of treating autism involves training parents how to work with their children in the home environment, new research finds.
Nov 13
GOLife is full of events that ignite emotions. When these events occur people may react by performing an action or expressing an emotion that may be opposite of the actual emotional state. The actions and even our use of seemingly contradictory ...
Nov 13
GOPeople thought Kat, 17, was being an "emo" teenager, but the truth was far more complicated. Two years ago, she was diagnosed with depression. She says: "As the symptoms of depression include being irritable and having mood swings, my family and ...
Nov 12
Categories: Mental Health in Asia
GOIt is often asked why good people do bad things. Perhaps the question should be when. More likely, it's in the afternoon or evening. Much less so in the morning.
Nov 12
GOThe effects of chronic marijuana use on the brain may depend on age of first use and duration of use, according to researchers at the Center for BrainHealth at The University of Texas at Dallas.
Nov 12
Categories: Drug Addiction