Some OCD sufferers may choose to continue doing their compulsions. They may believe they are unable to do difficult things. Others may continue to endure in silence and may be unaware that there are answers to their misery. There are some who begin the climb and realize they aren’t ready to do it. However, if you are in search of an answer to ...
Date Posted: June 10, 2015
Categories: Obsessions & Compulsions (OCD)
GOChildren who received general anesthesia for surgery before age 4 had diminished language comprehension, lower IQ and decreased gray matter density in posterior regions of their brain, according to a new study. The authors of the study recommend ...
Jun 10
Categories: Adult psychological development, Child Development
GOPoor sleep is a channel through which Alzheimer’s disease can be triggered, a new study finds. Professor Matthew Walker, one of the neuroscientist who authored the study, said: “This discovery offers hope. Sleep could be a novel therapeutic ...
Jun 9
Categories: Adult psychological development
GOEye contact plays a crucial role when people initiate interaction with other people and is also a powerful social signal, which is known to increase our physiological arousal. Researchers have found that personality modulates the way one's brain ...
Jun 9
Categories: Personality problems
GOA recent University of Houston (UH) study suggests that long-term exposure to news may negatively influence racial bias towards social groups. Temple Northup, assistant professor at UH's Jack J. Valenti School of Communication, studied the influence ...
Jun 9
Categories: Other
GOAs a result of their work, teachers suffer psychosomatic disorders such as exhaustion, fatigue, and headaches more frequently than other occupational groups. This has been shown by Klaus Scheuch et al. in a recent review article in Deutsches ...
Jun 8
Categories: Adult psychological development
GOMany of us are familiar with procrastination. Increasing your productivity and reducing the tendency to procrastinate could help you achieve more of your goals!
Jun 8
Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions
GOAs usual, Mom was right. Her advice to get to bed early is being confirmed by human performance researchers, sleep specialists and sports medicine doctors. Kids, especially young athletes, need more sleep.
Jun 8
Categories: Child Development
GOWeight loss surgery could possibly improve the health of obese patients, it could also result in greater intimacy between their partners. Perhaps, adding a spark to their sex life.
Jun 6
GOIn Canada, Psychologists discovered that there could be a new memory syndrome in healthy people with specific inability to re-live their past. It seems like a form of amnesia however the patients do not have history of brain damage or illness or ...
Jun 6
Categories: Cognitive Problems Amnesia / Dementia
GOWe think of ourselves as good, honest people. Yet, we lie from time to time. Are we deceiving ourselves?
Jun 6
Categories: Adult psychological development, Identity Problems, Values ...
GOWhen the scent of a fragrant product triggers a fond memory that a customer holds, it is more likely to be a hit. So says Rachel Herz of Brown University, and Haruko Sugiyama and colleagues at the Kao Corporation in Japan and the US, who conducted a ...
Jun 5
Categories: Other
GOThe ability to delay gratification in chimpanzees is linked to how specific structures of the brain are connected and communicate with each other, according to new research.
Jun 5
Categories: Adult psychological development, Child Development
GOYour kids want you to be proud of them. This need for a parent’s approval can be a powerful or destructive force when it comes to sports. When we communicate goals for our kids, the wording we choose can make all the difference. New research out ...
Jun 5
Categories: Sports Psychology
GOExtroverts often get a hard wrap. They are exuberant and outgoing, and when this is not managed it can leave other people (especially introverts) feeling bulldozed and drained off all their energy. That being said, extroverts are the life of the ...
Jun 4
Categories: Adult psychological development, Child Development
GOAlcohol use disorder as defined by a new diagnostic classification was widespread and often untreated in the United States, with a lifetime prevalence of 29.1 percent but only 19.8 percent of adults were ever treated, according to an article ...
Jun 4
Categories: Addictions