Is online therapy for depression beneficial?

MoodGYM was controversial when it first came out. “People did feel threatened,” said Christensen. “They said it’s unethical, harmful – you’re doing damage and you don’t know it. Or you’re stopping people from getting the real help ...

Sep 28

Categories: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Depression


Why Depression Needs a New Definition

Many psychiatrists believe that a new approach to diagnosing and treating depression—linking individual symptoms to their underlying mechanisms—is needed for research to move forward.

Sep 28

Categories: Depression


The Biggest Threat to a Marriage

In order to keep the peace, many spouses try to ignore their upset feelings about their partner’s behavior. Doing this will lead to a building up of resentment and creation of emotional distance.

Sep 28

Categories: Couple Counseling, Ending a relationship issues, Marital Counseling, ...


A psychologist reveals 'the single biggest predictor of human ...

When psychologist Arthur Aron was a graduate student in the 1960s, he was looking around for something to study for his dissertation. But he didn't want just any topic. He wanted to find one "that people thought couldn't be studied scientifically ...

Sep 25

Categories: Friendships, Happiness, Relationships & Marriage


Psychology of Fear: Why do we love watching horror movies?

As we watch horror movies, our palms turn sweaty, skin temperature drops, muscles become tense and blood pressure spikes. Why are people drawn to it?

Sep 25

Categories: Fear


Companies develop apps to combat ADHD

The app is designed to “improve your focus and attention abilities, helping you decrease impulsivity, lengthen your attention span and learn to keep focused while avoiding the endless everyday distractions” as described on the Apple iTunes store.

Sep 25

Categories: Adult ADHD


Depression Symptoms

The Mediterranean Diet has taken the market by storm. It could be called the new healthy way of living. Eating a Mediterranean diet or other healthy dietary patterns comprising of fruit, vegetables, legumes and nuts can prevent the onset of ...

Sep 23

Categories: Depression, Mood Swings / Bipolar


Average of 400 suicides in Singapore each year

Between 2010 and 2014, there was an average of about 400 suicides and 1,000 cases of attempted suicide each year. These statistics were revealed by Minister for Social and Family Development Tan Chuan-Jin in response to a series of written ...

Sep 23

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


Why do people end therapy?

Researchers long have known many people end cognitive behavioral therapy before the recommended course of treatment has ended, but why that happens has remained something of a mystery.

Sep 22

Categories: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


'Babylab’ uses pioneering technology to help children suffering ...

Children at risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are being enrolled in a pioneering “babylab” that aims to detect the condition years earlier than is currently possible.

Sep 22

Categories: Adult ADHD, Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child Development, ...


Thousands of children are being medicated for ADHD – when the ...

Sami Timimi sees ADHD as a “cultural barometer” of society’s attitudes towards children. We think of ourselves as being increasingly tolerant towards children, but the rise in medication for the young is an indication of the opposite trend.

Sep 22

Categories: Adult ADHD, Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child Development, ...


Understand Your Brain to Avoid Selfie Accidents

There are a lot of reasons why selfies are fun and engaging ways of communicating. But there are also reasons why selfie-taking is putting people into harm’s way that have to do with human biology, not character or values.

Sep 21


Online Gambling Psychology: What Drives People to Bet?

While the games have undoubtedly evolved, there is still that immutable question: What drives people to gamble? Especially when the very nature of gambling itself means that you may lose something valuable?

Sep 21

Categories: Addictions, Gambling Addiction


Mindful Parenting for ADHD

The practice of mindfulness provides tools for cultivating focus, resilience, and well-being--both yours and your child's. They take advantage of the brain's innate capacity to rewire itself, an ability we all maintain at any age.

Sep 19

Categories: Adult ADHD, Mindfulness, Parenting


Does Anticipating Temptation Help You Resist Temptation?

Temptations can capture your motivational system and drive you to do something that is not in your long-term best interests. If you prepare for those temptations, though, you may be better able to resist them.

Sep 19

Categories: Addictions, Control Issues, Drug Addiction, Gambling Addiction, Love ...

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