Patterns of nonrandom mating within and across major psychiatric ...

Couples can tend to be more alike in some characteristics than might otherwise be expected by chance. Some literature suggests this so-called "marital resemblance" may be present for a range of psychiatric features.

Feb 26

Categories: Couple Counseling, Marital Counseling, Relationships & Marriage


How to Love Your Partner When They’re the Least Lovable

You know, the moments when you need your partner to show up in a certain way and they just don''t. Maybe they can’t, maybe they aren’t aware of your need, or maybe they simply don’t want to. This is when your partner is the least lovable in ...

Jan 27

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


In Love And Still Lonely?

Many of us believe that if we feel lonely in this world, we are searching for love. We think that love is the most profound feeling possible; it is the glue that holds us together.

Jan 19

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Abused or Abusive?

Emotional abuse in a relationship is sneaky and elusive. Many times the people doing it and receiving it are not even aware that it’s even happening. It can be dangerous and damaging to your self-esteem, confidence, self-value and respect.

Jan 16

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


8 Small Ways To Show Your Spouse Some Love

Gretchen Rubin says, “What you do every day matters more than what you do once in a while.” This is true for relationships. Love is in the small things. In daily acts.

Jan 15

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Why Learning To Shut Up Can Make Your Relationship So Much Better

Most people believe that it’s the outside noise from our social media timelines, phone notifications and endless forms of entertainment at our fingertips that are getting between our relationships. Truth is, it’s the noise in our head that’s ...

Jan 11

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


7 Rules For Finding Love

How do you find a new relationship? Whether you've been single for years or you're only recently on the market, seeking out a compatible partner is not always an easy task.

Jan 11

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Starting off the New Year as the best partner you can be

Most of us want to be the best partner we can be. But often we get caught up in work and attending to day-to-day responsibilities. We get caught up in the continuous buzzing of our own worries and what-ifs.

Jan 2

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Getting through the holidays after a break-up

Holiday time can be brutal when you're newly single, but you can do it!

Dec 19

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


More Women on Campus May Contribute to Hook-Up Culture

The greater proportion of women than men on college campuses may contribute to a hook-up culture where women are more willing to engage in casual sex, according to new research.

Dec 14

Categories: Fertility Issues, Relationships & Marriage


Study: Text messages that end in a period seen as less sincere

If you don't want to send the wrong message, watch how you punctuate your texts.

Dec 9

Categories: Adult psychological development, Relationships & Marriage


7 Types Of Marriage Betrayal That Are Often Overlooked

When people think of cheating in a relationship, physical infidelity is usually the first thing that comes to mind. There are however, other less obvious ways spouses can break their marital bond. You may not even realize you're guilty of these.

Nov 30

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Men eat more pizza when trying to impress women

Of all of the ways men try to impress the ladies, from big wallets to big muscles, here is one that has finally been quantified by science.

Nov 24

Categories: Men's Issues, Relationships & Marriage


Couples Who Have Sex Weekly Are Happiest

Although more frequent sex is associated with greater happiness, this link was no longer significant at a frequency of more than once a week," lead researcher Amy Muise said. "Our findings suggest that it's important to maintain an intimate ...

Nov 19

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Addictive Relating: Desperation Disguised as Love

Addictive relating - when keeping someone at any cost has much more to do with desperation than about sharing a loving relationship.

Nov 2

Categories: Love addiction, Relationships & Marriage

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