Are violence and mental illness always related?

Dr. Freese says people with mental illness are 10 to 15 times more likely to be victim of violence than they are to perpetrate violence themselves.

Oct 5

Categories: Aggression & Violence, Domestic Violence


Most acts of aggression by toddlers are unprovoked

Watching toddlers pinch, hit and bite each other doesn't fill you with confidence about human nature. But there's no need to be down about it – the little devils don't yet have the self-control to manage their anger and frustration, that's all. ...

Sep 10

Categories: Aggression & Violence, Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child ...


Family violence can affect children even before birth, royal ...

Professor Louise Newman, director for women's mental health at Melbourne's Royal women's hospital, and Dr Robyn Miller, a social worker and family therapist, told the commission children could be affected by family violence even before they were ...

Jul 25

Categories: Aggression & Violence, Domestic Violence, Family Problems


Study: Video Games Don't Trigger Aggression in Adults With Autism

Politicians pushed for a crackdown on violent video games after speculation arose that they spurred Newtown school shooter Adam Lanza - who had autism spectrum disorder - to commit one of the deadliest massacres in U.S. history, killing 26 children ...

Apr 30

Categories: Aggression & Violence, Autism spectrum disorders


Women as serial killers

"They [the children] bothered me, so I decided to kill them." "I like to attend funerals. I'm happy when someone is dying." "That is my ambition, to have killed more people – more helpless people – than any man or woman who has ever ...

Mar 6

Categories: Aggression & Violence


Psychopath Unable to Process Punishment

Psychopathic violent offenders might be unable to repent and learn from punishment due to the presence of abnormalities in their brain. Through a MRI study, researchers have found that there are abnormalities found in areas of the brain that are ...

Feb 28

Categories: Aggression & Violence


Stanford Prison Experiment in Movie

Have you heard of the famous Stanford Prison Experiment? It has premiered this week at Sundance to mostly positive reviews. In 1971, Dr. Philip Zimbardo recruited 24 male undergraduates to participate in a psychological experiment where they would ...

Feb 6

Categories: Aggression & Violence


The Personality Factor That Makes Some Violent Criminals So Dangerous

Violent offenders who are also psychopaths are so dangerous because their brains do not learn normally from either punishments or rewards, a new study finds.

Jan 30

Categories: Aggression & Violence


Aggressive behaviour increases adolescent drinking, depression doesn't

Adolescents who behave aggressively are more likely to drink alcohol and in larger quantities than their peers, according to a recent study completed in Finland.

Aug 8

Categories: Addictions, Aggression & Violence, Depression, Post Partum ...


Early Intervention May Reduce Adults' Aggressive Behavior

A decade-long education program aimed at teaching children self-regulation and other healthy cognitive techniques is showing results in reducing aggressive behavior when the schoolchildren become adults, according to new research published in the ...

Apr 16

Categories: Aggression & Violence, Child Development


Violent Video Games May Increase Aggression in Kids after all

Violent video games really do boost aggressive behavior in children, according to a new study. Even after accounting for parental involvement, gender, age and other factors, psychologists at Iowa State University, Ames, linked habitually playing ...

Apr 1

Categories: Aggression & Violence, Child Development


Neurobiologists find chronic stress in early life causes anxiety, ...

This week, a research team led by Associate Professor Grigori Enikolopov of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) reports online in the journal PlOS One the results of experiments designed to assess the impacts of social stress upon adolescent mice, ...

Mar 31

Categories: Aggression & Violence, Anxiety, Child Development, Stress ...


Can a Woman's Touch reduce Aggression in Men?

"No sex during training!" This may sound familiar to those of you in competitive sports and even more so for professional fighters. A recent study may help us to better establish the link between previous experiences, in this case, a woman’s ...

Mar 1

Categories: Aggression & Violence


Babies Seeing Violence Show Aggression Later

Aggression in school-age children may have its origins in children 3 years old and younger who witnessed violence between their mothers and partners, according to a new Case Western Reserve University study. “People may think children that young ...

Jun 24

Categories: Aggression & Violence


A new scientific study proves that there is not any association ...

There is not significant evidence to support the association between facial shape and aggression in men, according to a study published by the journal PLOS ONE. The professor Mireia Esparza, from the Anthropology Section of the Department of Animal ...

Jan 28

Categories: Aggression & Violence

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