The talk therapy that is quicker (and cheaper) than cognitive-behavioural therapy.
Date Posted: July 25, 2016
Categories: Depression
GOJust like any type of touch, holding hands can be a very potent signal. Depending on how it is used, it can make or break the relationship
Jul 25
Categories: Relationships & Marriage
GOWhen people tell each other something intimate, it deepens the relationship.
Jul 23
Categories: Friendships
GOAmbivalence is a human experience where two contradictory emotions about a decision, a person or an object keep you from choosing one or the other.
Jul 23
GOAfter failure or defeat, what are the pros and cons of licking your wounds?
Jul 23
Categories: Emotional Intelligence
GONow, it is time to address the factors in human experience that either cause dysfunction or protect us from it. For convenience, we can clump these factors into the biological, the psychological and the social. Because these factors interact in ...
Jul 22
GOI want you to know that I started psychotherapy and am now seeing a therapist every week. Through my therapy sessions, we have started to uncover that I have General Anxiety Disorder and Cyclothymic Disorder.
Jul 22
Categories: Anxiety, Ending a relationship issues, Friendships
GORatings of our own abilities are strongly influenced by the performance of others, according to a study published July 20 in Neuron. Interacting with high performers makes us feel more capable in cooperative team settings, but less competent in ...
Jul 22
Categories: Other
GOWhy are paranoia and schizophrenia more common in cities?
Jul 21
Categories: Paranoia / Suspiciousness, Schizophrenia
GOWorries and fears and stress, oh my! This week, Savvy Psychologist Dr. Ellen Hendriksen reveals the two big beliefs that light up anxiety, plus how to pull the plug
Jul 21
Categories: Anxiety
GOMemory problems could be partly responsible for obesity.
Jul 21
GOAre there too many psychology majors these days? Is obtaining a psychology degree a practical goal for college students in the 21st century? Will I be able to find a job after earning a degree in psychology? These are the types of questions which ...
Jul 20
Categories: Other
GOEnergy flows where attention goes," is a philosophy on well-being that resonates with individuals who are seeking positivity. Now, a new review suggests this is the case when it comes to happiness and depression. It seems the same genes that steer ...
Jul 20
Categories: Depression, Happiness
GOOCD, which affects 3.3 million people in the United States, is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by intrusive, obsessivethoughts and repeated compulsive behaviors that collectively interfere with a person’s ability to function in daily ...
Jul 19
Categories: Obsessions & Compulsions (OCD)
GORevenge is a dish best served cold. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die. The culture is swimming with depictions of revenge: Sometimes it's deeply satisfying, sometimes it ...
Jul 19
GOCognitive brain training improves executive function whereas aerobic activity improves memory, according to new Center for BrainHealth research at The University of Texas at Dallas.
Jul 19
Categories: Dementia