This is How Radically Modern Marriage Has Changed

In the past when the shackles of gender inequality limited women’s academic and career achievements, marriage was commonly known to be for economic necessity. With the passing of time that followed a demand for gender equality, swift and radical ...

Mar 29

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Can Long Distance Relationships Work?

The surge of technology has rendered geographical boundaries irrelevant. Even so, it is still common for one to raise fears and insecurities regarding the sustainability of a long distance relationship? Can a long distance relationship work? If it ...

Mar 29

Categories: Relationships & Marriage


Forgiveness: The Wonderful Psychological Perks

Perhaps, one of the most valuable skill that we can learn in our lifetime is the art of forgiveness. Studies have shown that our ability to forgive others will bring about tremendous mental and physical benefits to ourselves.

Mar 29

Categories: Forgiveness


How to Improve Your Self-Worth

Self-worth is a measure of how much we value ourselves as people. This does not depend on others’ opinions of us; only we can determine our self-worth. However, many of us are highly critical of ourselves. It is important to treat ourselves with ...

Mar 28

Categories: Self-Esteem, Self-Love


8 Ways to Stop Us from Feeling So Guilty All the Time

Guilt is an emotion that spans the human experience; all of us have felt guilty at some point in our lives. However, many of us are unnecessarily and excessively guilty. Here’s some useful tips on how to cope with guilt and how to make yourself ...

Mar 27

Categories: Adult psychological development, Caregiver Issues / Stress, Women's ...


What Email Does To Your Brain

An email has the power to drastically change our mood, and perhaps change a good day into a horrible one. Add that to the fact that emails often come in a deluge and – voila! Read on to find out what emails do to our brains.

Mar 27

Categories: Stress Management


How Powerful is an Apology?

Be it as a sincere remorse, marker of politeness or for perfunctory purposes, most of us apologise for our wrongdoings. Saying sorry may help to mend broken promises, but have we over-estimated the power of apology?

Mar 25

Categories: Friendships, Relationships & Marriage


Stop Being Socially Lazy and Start Enjoying Yourself

It can be a little awkward for some, if not most of us to talk to strangers. Running out of topics to talk about can definitely be a concern. Even so, new research has shown that constantly stepping out of our comfort zones to interact with ...

Mar 25

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


'Phubbing': The Modern Way To Kill Your Relationship

The linguistic blending of phone and snubbing reflects the phenomenon that we commonly see nowadays - phubbing. Snubbing your partner to look at your phone, researchers discover that phubbing is now the swift and silent relationship killer.

Mar 25

Categories: Friendships, Relationships & Marriage


5 Brain-training Exercises that Will Make You Happier and More ...

A little mental strength training goes a long way. Here’s how to make you feel happier and more successful.

Mar 24

Categories: Happiness


The Personality Trait Linked To A Longer Life

A longer life takes a healthy body, mind and soul. New research has shown that the key to longevity may just be a few changes in personality!

Mar 23

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


7 Everyday Ways To Reduce Anxiety

Anxiety is our self-constructed prison. It traps us from feeling happiness and may serve to be an obstacle that prevents us from chasing after our dreams. Learn 7 easy techniques to break free from this prison right now.

Mar 23

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


Daydreaming is NOT Just A Waste Of Time, Studies Finds

To all the daydreamers out there, our hobby of daydreaming could give us gifts of success and higher creativity! Contrary to the common perception that daydreaming is a waste of time, allowing our minds to wander is one of the simplest yet greatest ...

Mar 23

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


When Healthy Eating Becomes Bad for You

An excessive preoccupation with eating healthy food and an overly judgemental stance towards others’ eating habits is classified as Orthorexia nervosa. Although its namesake sounds similar to anorexia nervosa, the two disorders are very different.

Mar 22

Categories: Eating Disorders


Deep Inside the Schizophrenic Mind

We know very little about what goes on in the schizophrenic mind, as all we see are the outward manifestations of schizophrenia. The science concerned with the neural bases behind these manifestations remains largely elusive, but researchers have ...

Mar 22

Categories: Schizophrenia

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