Why flunking exams is actually a good thing

Across a variety of experiments, psychologists have found that, in some circumstances, wrong answers on a pretest aren’t merely useless guesses. Rather, the attempts themselves change how we think about and store the information contained in the ...

Sep 30

Categories: Academic Issues


How disappointment works in the brain

That feeling of disappointment is linked with a rather uncommon type of brain signaling, new research shows. It involves the finely tuned, simultaneous firing of two different neurotransmitters in the brain and it is the ratio of the two ...

Sep 30

Categories: Depression


Retention in elementary school can leave lasting scars

Student retention is often done because the student’s grades aren’t equivalent to their peers, whether it be due to their development or academic level. It has been believed that hold a child back in their current grade will help them catch up ...

Sep 30

Categories: Child Development


'Fat shaming' does more harm than good

Discrimination against overweight or obese people, commonly known as "fat shaming," does not help them lose weight and may do more harm than good, according to research from London. Being harassed or treated with disrespect, receiving poor service ...

Sep 29

Categories: Eating Disorders


New smartphone app monitors students’ mental health

Researchers have developed a smartphone application that passively monitors a student’s mental health and compares their mental status to academic performance and recent behavior.

Sep 29

Categories: Mental Health in Asia


Teenagers need more sleep

Due to changes during puberty, teenagers require more sleep than adults and most find it hard to get to sleep before 11pm, with many staying up until 2 or 3am. Failing to get enough sleep causes low mood in teenagers, along with worse health and ...

Sep 29

Categories: Teenage Issues


How To Get Children To Behave Without Hitting Them

There's plenty of evidence that spanking, paddling or hitting children doesn't improve their behavior in the long run and actually makes it worse. But the science never trumps emotion, according to Alan Kazdin, head of the Yale Parenting Center and ...

Sep 27

Categories: Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Parenting


Stressed? Group nature walks might help

Shedding light on the frequently proposed but rarely taken-to-heart suggestion of getting air and seeing friends, a large-scale study linked group nature walks to improved mental health and reduced stress.

Sep 27

Categories: Stress Management


Healthy foods tied to better mental health

New findings suggest that the higher an individual’s fruit and vegetable intake, the lower the chance of their having low mental well-being. A magic number of five portions a day is associated with high mental well-being.

Sep 26

Categories: Health / Illness / Medical Issues, Mental Health in Asia


Spacing of pregnancies may play a factor in development of autism ...

A new research, published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, suggests the spacing of pregnancies may play a factor in the development of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Investigators discovered that children ...

Sep 26


Heavy multitasking affects brain structure

Media multitasking is becoming more prevalent in our lives today and there is increasing concern about its impacts on our cognition and social-emotional well-being. For the first time, neuroscientists have found that people who use multiple devices ...

Sep 26


Ways to boost your hapiness

We all experience emotional highs throughout our lives -- with a job promotion, on our wedding day, with the birth of a child. But these moments only yield temporary feelings of elation, and experts say that they alone are not enough to achieve true ...

Sep 25

Categories: Happiness


Family-based therapy can aid those with anorexia

For a long time, people blamed families for causing anorexia and thought they should be left out of treatment. However, a new study suggests that when you involve them, families can be useful, and that more focused family treatment works faster and ...

Sep 25

Categories: Eating Disorders


Thinking styles that increase the chances of depression and anxiety

How one thinks about, and deals with, stressful events affect the level of stress and anxiety they feel. Crucially, there are three thinking and behavioural styles which tend to increase the chance someone would experience depression and anxiety: ...

Sep 25

Categories: Anxiety, Depression


Marital aggression harms child's emotional adjustment

Combative parents may impair a child’s ability to recognize and control emotions. Aggression between parents powerfully shape children's emotional adjustment and long-term childhood poverty was also found to negatively influence child emotional ...

Sep 24

Categories: Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child Development, Parenting

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