Poverty shapes how children think about themselves

"The Culture of Poverty”, published in 1966 (pdf), was hugely influential, persuading many policy makers that children from low-income families are destined for lives of “criminality, joblessness, and poverty” because they exist in enclaves ...

May 27

Categories: Child Development


Development of face perception in Japanese children

Face perception plays an important role in social communication. There have been many studies of face perception in human using non-invasive neuroimaging and electrophysiological methods, but studies of face perception in children were quite ...

May 26

Categories: Child Development


Brain Health linked to a Mediterranean Diet with Olive Oil and Nuts

Although not conclusive, a Spanish study suggests that a Mediterranean diet with extra nuts and olive oil might help improve memory in older adults.

May 15

Categories: Child Development


Sleep and Mental Health related in Children

Researchers at NTNU’s Department of Psychology have conducted a comprehensive survey of nearly 1,000 toddlers that shows that serious sleep disorders in young children can have long-term consequences.

May 15

Categories: Child Development


Children with greater exposure to multiple languages may be better ...

Effective communication requires the ability to take others’ perspectives. Researchers from University of Chicago have discovered that children from multilingual environments are better at interpreting a speaker’s meaning than children who are ...

May 15

Categories: Child Development


How to Respond When Your Child Says, "I'm Bored!"

Today's kids are used to being entertained by TV, video games, and computers. Many of them struggle to tolerate waiting in line at the grocery store or sitting quietly while adults hold a conversation. They grow bored fast and they're not shy about ...

May 14

Categories: Child Development


Researchers find differences in the brains and behavior of girls and ...

New research conducted by the UC Davis MIND Institute on a large cohort of preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder has found differences in the underlying biology of their brains, and in their behavior, that may help explain how the condition ...

May 14

Categories: Autism spectrum disorders, Child Development


Parent-Child Reading Increases Activation of Brain

Among the advice new parents receive is to read to their babies early and often. The hope is that sharing books together will help children's language development and eventually, turn them into successful readers.

Apr 27

Categories: Child Development


Are personalities affected by birth order or the gender of our ...

A major issue is that a self-report or a parent’s report on our personality might not be biased by an individual’s expectation of how one should behave.

Apr 24

Categories: Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child Development


Opening the Classroom Door for Children with Autism

With the ever-growing prevalence of autism in American children (1 in 68 according to recent CDC estimates), a growing topic for debate among educators, advocates and families of children with autism revolves around the best educational option for ...

Apr 23

Categories: Autism spectrum disorders, Child Development


Antidepressant use in pregnancy associated with anxiety symptoms in ...

Three-year-old siblings exposed to antidepressants in pregnancy show increased anxiety symptoms compared to their unexposed siblings. This was found in a new study by researchers from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH), the University ...

Apr 22

Categories: Child Development, Pregnancy & Birthing


Adolescent drinking affects adult behavior through genetic changes

Binge-drinking during adolescence may perturb brain development at a critical time and leave lasting effects on genes and behavior that persist into adulthood.

Apr 7

Categories: Addictions, Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child Development


Breastfeeding linked to higher IQ and income.

More infant breastfeeding is linked to higher intelligence, a longer period in education and greater earnings 30 years later, a new study finds.

Mar 21

Categories: Child Development


How not to spoil your child?

Are you a bad parent? Or are you spoiling your child with habits of indulgence? Or could your money could be better used.

Mar 20

Categories: Child Development


Just An Hour Per Day Of Play Can Boost Young Brains

Imagine an activity that your kids could do after school every day that would improve their brain’s ability to make better decisions and solve problems. Online cognitive drills? Special tutors? Actually, researchers at the University of Illinois ...

Mar 19

Categories: Child Development

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