Objective predictors of suicidality in women identified

Researchers have identified blood-based biomarkers and developed questionnaire-based apps that may help clinicians identify which of their female patients being treated for psychiatric disorders are at greatest risk of suicidal ideation or behavior.

Apr 6

Categories: Suicide Prevention, Women's Issues


Playing Action Video Games: Suicide Attempt Capabilities Increases

Among individuals already thinking about suicide, those who play action video games may be significantly more capable of attempting it than those who play other video game categories, according to a new study.

Mar 30

Categories: Addictions, Suicide Prevention


Suicidal People Are 7 Times More Likely To Recover Completely With ...

A new study suggests that having someone to confide in is one of the most important factors in recovery from mental illness.

Jan 22

Categories: Suicide Prevention


Can an app prevent teenage suicides? This startup thinks so

Many of the factors that lead to teenage depression are amped up in East Asia. The hyper-competitive school environments in places like Hong Kong, Singapore, and mainland China are enough to throw anyone's life out of balance. If you add in the ...

Nov 19

Categories: Depression, Suicide Prevention, Teenage Issues


Difficulty making good choices is one of the factors that make ...

Not even close to every person who faces challenges or lives with severe depression commits suicide. Some people are more vulnerable than others.

Sep 14

Categories: Suicide Prevention


Feeling sad and blue? Seek help

The Philippine Mental Health Association (PMHA) is advocating that mental health is as important as one's physical health. Everyone should acknowledge this fact and accept that there is nothing wrong with having a mental condition or disorder. There ...

Jul 10

Categories: Depression, Suicide Prevention


Hospital-wide program for delirium, alcohol withdrawal and ...

Brigham and Women's Hospital finds that developing and implementing an interdisciplinary care improvement initiative improves outcomes.

Jul 2

Categories: Addictions, Drug Addiction, Suicide Prevention


Know someone who has suicidal thoughts?

Contrary to popular belief, most people don’t commit suicide because they hate themselves or because they are cowards. They truly believe that their families will be better without them. For most, suicide is seen as a way out. This does not bode ...

May 11

Categories: Suicide Prevention


Media reporting leading to more suicides

There were suicide clusters in various US college in the previous year and there media was shining its light on it. Does media influence our perception of the events and what impact does media have on the incidence?

Apr 11

Categories: Suicide Prevention


ADHD plus childhood trauma heightens risk for self-harm, suicide

Young women with ADHD who have been exposed to abuse, neglect or other traumas in childhood and adolescence are at greater risk for self-injury, eating disorders and suicide than those with ADHD who were not mistreated in early youth, according to ...

Mar 4

Categories: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Child Development, ...


Facebook improves tool for suicide prevention

Facebook, the world's largest social network, has become a place for many of its 1.3 billion active users to share deeply personal thoughts. When users see posts from people who are directly threatening suicide, they should contact local emergency ...

Mar 3

Categories: Suicide Prevention


45,000 Suicides Every Year: The Sad Cause Which is On The Rise

One in five suicides around the world is caused by this and the figure is rising.

Feb 23

Categories: Suicide Prevention


Game app to monitor teenage suicide risk

The battle against teenage suicide has entered the digital age as a Hong Kong company is developing a game app to identify at-risk teenagers. Mark Altosaar, who has a background in education technology, and Jamie Chiu, a doctoral candidate in ...

Feb 2

Categories: Mental Health in Asia, Suicide Prevention, Teenage Issues


U.S. Teens Have Same Firearm Access regardless of Suicide Risk

U.S. teens report easy access to firearms, even when they have mental health problems that put them at an increased risk of suicide, according to a new study

Jan 5

Categories: Suicide Prevention


Brain scans link frontal abnormalities to suicidal behaviors in ...

Abnormalities in the prefrontal cortex and related brain areas are observed in adolescents who have attempted suicide, according to a report today at the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology annual meeting in Phoenix Arizona. The study ...

Dec 10

Categories: Suicide Prevention

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