A study just published online in the prestigious medical journal Lancet (Dalsgaard et al, 2015) has for first time obtained substantive evidence of an increased mortality rate in persons with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The study by Dalsgaard and his colleagues at Aarhus University in Denmark and ...
Date Posted: April 2, 2015
Categories: Addictions, Adult ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ...
GOI quite frequently receive heartbreaking requests from individuals who are in a painful relationship or marriage in which their mate is suffering from some kind of serious psychological problem such as alcoholism, gambling addiction etc. Often these individuals are isolated and confused ...
Jun 17
Categories: Addictions, Family Problems, Mental Health in Asia, Relationships ...
GOJournaling is a way to improve your understanding of yourself. It provides a platform on which you can stand so that you can observe yourself. Self-knowledge, including discovering your strengths and weaknesses, your likes and dislikes is essential for making life decisions and for self-fulfilment. ...
Mar 5
Categories: Addictions, Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Life Purpose / ...
GODr. Scott is a clinical psychologist based in Singapore with three decades of counseling and psychotherapy experience in helping adults with many kinds of psychological difficulties. These include anxiety, depression, addictions (cybersex, love), and Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Adult ADHD).
Brian Scott belongs to Scott Psychological Centre in Singapore