Trauma: Recognising and Treating its Symptoms

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) has recently been recognised as a psychological problem that can arise from long-term exposure to trauma experiences. Symptoms can include:Examples of persistent, long-term trauma resulting in CPTSD include:Although CPTSD is often associated with chronic trauma occurring during childhood, adults who ...

Sep 6

Categories: Complex PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / Trauma / ...


Counselling Children of Divorced Parents: Expressing Feelings

Although each child is unique, it should be noted that children tend to show several predictable responses upon learning that their parents are divorcing. Children in this situation most often experience varying degrees of sadness, despondency and anxiety among other related emotions. However, young children usually express feelings through though ...

Nov 3

Categories: Anxiety, Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Divorce / Divorce ...


Diagnosing Autism in Girls: Recent Developments

The criteria for an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the same for both boys and girls based on widely accepted diagnostic systems.It has been widely reported that boys are four times more likely than girls to be diagnosed with ASD. There are many reasons why this disparity exists. One reason may be that parents, teachers and other adults in ...

Nov 8

Categories: Autism spectrum disorders, Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child ...


Autism and Its Diagnosis

By Andrew Adler, Ph.D., Director and Clinical Psychologist, Adler Family CentreAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a diagnosis that describes individuals who have difficulties with social interaction and communication and engage in repetitive behaviour or inflexible thinking, among other difficulties. Those with ASD may have developed little ...

Oct 16

Categories: Autism spectrum disorders, Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child ...


Taming Your Child’s Test Anxiety

The dropping temperatures may be an unwelcome sign that winter is almost here. The increased anxiety that many kids feel this time of year is a definite sign that tests and exams are not far off. What can you do as a parent to tame your child’s test anxiety?Perhaps the most important strategies your child can develop are to improve study ...

Sep 27

Categories: Anxiety, Child and/or Adolescent Issues


The Benefits of Stress: Finding the Optimal Level

“I’m stressed!” When you hear these words, you probably imagine the many situations in life when you have felt stressed or nervous. The reality is that most of us wish stress would just disappear as it often leads to intense emotional pain. Let’s look at stress from another perspective, however. It may seem ...

Aug 20

Categories: Anxiety, Happiness, Stress Management


Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child?

By Andrew Adler, Ph.D., Director and Clinical Psychologist,Adler Family Centre, Hong KongI have never met a parent who enjoy sees her child misbehave. Behaviours such as hitting and refusal to comply with simple requests almost always irritate and sometimes anger us as parents. We want our children to develop excellent self-control and grow up to ...

Aug 13

Categories: Child Development, Oppositional & Defiant Behavior in Children ...


Helping Your Young Child Cope with Fright in Hong Kong

By Andrew Adler, Ph.D., Director and Clinical Psychologist,Adler Family Centre, Hong KongRecent news in Hong Kong may have confused and frightened many of our children. As adults, it’s a challenge for many of us to remain calm after seeing videos and photos of, hearing about and even witnessing these events. Imagine how our children, ...

Aug 6

Categories: Anxiety, Child Development, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / ...


Beating the Summertime Blues

By Andrew Adler, Ph.D.Director and Clinical Psychologist, Adler Family Remember when you were a child. You couldn’t wait for summer; the end of school, the start of days spent outdoors with family and friends enjoying life. For many adults, however, summer is far less enjoyable. Summer depression is a very ...

Aug 1

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Depression


Parents and Teens: Who’s the Boss?

Ask a teenager raised in a Western culture about who’s the boss at home. More than likely, the response will be a confident “I am.” Ask the same question of one of the teenager’s parents and you are likely to hear a resigned “I wish I were.”Being a teenager and the parent of one poses considerable challenges. ...

Jul 11

Categories: Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child Development, Parenting


Young and Stressed Out in Hong Kong: Help Your Child Manage Stress ...

Hong Kong, like most international cities, is highly competitive and extremely fast paced. No one seems to know this better that parents. Our children are educated and socialized in an environment in which friends and classmates are highly focused on academic and social success. This environment is a breeding ground for high levels of ...

Jul 6

Categories: Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Parenting


Blog Writer:

Andrew Adler, Ph.D.

Andrew Adler, Ph.D. is the director of the Adler Family Centre and the Honorary Consultant (Psychology) at OUHK-LiPACE. He is a licensed psychologist in New York State (US) and has specialised in evaluating and treating a wide range of psychological difficulties for the past 20 years. He earned doctoral and master degrees in clinical psychology from Yale University after graduating Magna Cum Laude with a bachelor’s degree from Brandeis University. He taught at Yale University and supervised medical students as an Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at New York Medical College. In his work in hospitals, clinics and private practice, Dr. Adler has evaluated and treated the full range of psychological difficulties experienced by children, adolescents, adults and their families. Prior to moving to Hong Kong, he was a psychologist in Shanghai for three years, treating and assessing children and adolescents, both expats and local residents.