Is Low Sexual Desire Real?

Do you and your spouse have difficulties having sex? Are you guys having fights or conflicts because you keep saying that you don't have the same libido? Are you the self-described low desire person in your relationship? Have you been doing research on low desiring and wondering how to fix it? ...

Jul 7

Categories: Couple Counseling, Ending a relationship issues, Family Problems, ...


2 Biggest Mistakes Made When Trying Revive Up a Faltering Sex Life

Is your sex-lacking? Has your sex life stopped? Maybe you are the one always asking and getting turned down? Maybe you are the one that doesn't want the sex and don't feel you can be honest to yourself or your partner about why you don't want sex.When it comes to couples trying to ...

Sep 3

Categories: Adult psychological development, Anger Management, Codependency / ...


Oops I didn’t orgasm, I’m sorry

Surprising that someone would apologize for not orgasming during sex. Yet , this is surprisingly a common apology I’ve heard given by a person to their partner in a long-term relationship after they have sex.  Unfortunately, usually for complex reasons, one person feels a sense of ...

Jun 13

Categories: Couple Counseling, Family Problems, Marital Counseling, Men's Issues, ...


Help! We’ve had a baby, but I lost the partner I married!

How amazing is it to find someone you love, sexually desired and is fun and amazing. It is one the best experiences people have and they celebrate it through marriage. As result of this deep love there comes a desire to create a family and have a baby. A baby is an expression of your love and the ...

Jun 13

Categories: Couple Counseling, Marital Counseling, Men's Issues, Parenting, Post ...


Reason why people cheat - beside sex

"Reprinted from Sexual Intelligence™ Marty Klein, Ph.D. ("Cheating, infidelity, adultery—no matter what you call it, it’s a staple of popular culture. Articles with titles like “Why he cheats,” “Affair-proofing your ...

Jul 2

Categories: Couple Counseling, Infidelity, Marital Counseling, Men's Issues, ...


Masturbation vs. Relationship Sex, what is the difference? Do you ...

A frequent call I get is a distraught female partner calling me to make an appointment for the couple or her spouse/boyfriend because she caught him using porn (which is code for masturbating himself to porn and not using her). The other frequent call I get is the shamed husband/boyfriend calling ...

May 11

Categories: Couple Counseling, Ending a relationship issues, Marital Counseling, ...


Dealing with Betrayals in Your Relationship

Betrayals in relationship change the quality and functioning of the relationship in dramatic ways. Trust is the primary aspect affected as well as the betrayed partner’s sense of safety in the couple. Betrayals bring up many dilemmas for the couple. Few couples have the skills or the ...

May 11

Categories: Couple Counseling, Infidelity, Marital Counseling, Men's Issues, ...


What is normal Sex?

The number one question people have about sex is “Am I normal?” The second most common question asked is “Is my partner normal?”It is never helpful to frame sex in terms or normal or not normal as if there was so universal standard or universal truth.  The is a wide ...

Jan 13

Categories: Adult psychological development, Coping with Medical Problems, Couple ...


Should you force your Spouse into Marriage Counselling?

Are you struggle with a marriage that isn't working the way you want it too but your partner isn't as interested or motivated as you are to fix it? Do you really need to have your spouse or romantic partner attend counselling in order to make it better? The short answer is no, you do ...

Nov 12

Categories: Couple Counseling, Divorce / Divorce Adjustment, Domestic Violence, ...


It's Not a Communication Problem

It’s not a communication problem Married couples think because their partner doesn’t want what s/he wants or see the problem as s/he does, they have a communication problem.  People’s definition of a communication problem is that they are unable to get their partner to ...

Sep 7

Categories: Blended Family Issues, Codependency / Dependency, Communication ...


Doubts about getting married? Research says do not ignore them

The Science of Marriage In the first science study done by UCLA on marriage and divorce it found—when women have doubts before their wedding, their misgivings are often a warning sign of trouble if they go ahead with the marriage. The psychologists studied 464 newlywed spouses (232 couples) ...

Aug 25

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Divorce / Divorce Adjustment, ...


Pre Marriage Counselling, how it can help you

Couples planning to get married, newlyweds or honeymoon couples can benefit from relationship skills that will ensure a successful marriage. A strong marriage requires good relationship and communications skills. It also requires couples to have skills to manage inevitable conflict issues smoothly ...

Aug 25

Categories: Couple Counseling, Marital Counseling, Men's Issues, Mental Health ...


Demystifying the process of change in Counselling- How you get better

Counselling seems to be a pretty mysterious process for most people.  Unless things are REALLY bad, most people don’t think about counselling or think it’s too expensive or are just not sure how it works. Usually counselling is a last resort rather than a first stop for getting ...

Aug 25

Categories: Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Addictions, Adjusting to Change / Life ...


Blog Writer:

Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA

Ms. Fontana is a relationship counsellor specializing in helping people with their relationships whether it is dating, marriage, parenting or with their extended family. Her clients call her approach practical and found solutions to their problems. Ms. Fontana has obtained her Master Degree in Mental Health counselling from the United States and is a USA Nationally Certified Counsellor. She is also a Certified Choice Theory Reality Therapist and is USA trained Sex Therapist.

Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA belongs to All in the Family Counselling Centre, PTE LTD in Singapore