"Not all scars can be seen"

Published on May 2, 2021


'Not speaking is like an emotional cancer, you don't began to heal until you disclose'
Not all scars can be seen, but they need to be healed. Many of us go through physical, emotional, and psychological trauma. The hidden scars do more damage than the physical scars, that heal with time.

It has been proven, beyond any doubt, that violence undermines the mental health of children and poses a real risk for the onset and persistence of mental health conditions. Not only the children, but the adults also go through various traumatizing situations, such as trafficking, rapes, rejections, and many of us are neglected, left out and ignored.

Mental health is as important as physical health. Don't IGNORE it. Look around you. Talk to people. Listen to them. Reach out to the people who need you and your support. 

Category(s):Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mental Health Professions

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rumsha belongs to Healing Hearts in Pakistan