Mistakes Women Commonly Make When They Want a Guy to Commit

Published on May 13, 2024

Everyone makes mistakes. It is the most human thing we do. But, when it comes to relationships, it’s important to be aware of the mistakes that can prevent you from achieving your goals. It’s important to remember that everyone is unique, so there’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to relationships. When it comes to wanting a guy to commit, there are certain pitfalls that women often find themselves in. Let’s find out more from India’s leading couples therapist and relationship counsellor, Shivani Misri Sadhoo in this article.

What are the common commitment mistakes?

Being Impatient - It’s important to allow a relationship to progress naturally and let commitment happen at its own pace. Remember, commitment is a step-by-step process, so enjoy each relationship phase as it comes. 

One common mistake is trying to push the guy into commitment too quickly. Love is a beautiful journey, and it’s important to allow it to develop naturally. Sometimes, the excitement of a new relationship can lead to the desire for exclusivity sooner than your partner might be ready for. For example, insisting on becoming “official” after just a few dates might scare him away.

Reading Between Lines - When women want a guy to commit, they often overthink things. They analyze every text and action, searching for hidden meanings. This can lead to unnecessary stress. They might imagine problems that don’t exist, like thinking he’s losing interest when he’s not. Overthinking can make them act differently, confusing.

It’s important to communicate openly and avoid reading too much into every little detail to maintain a healthy relationship. Trust is a fundamental element of any committed relationship, and constantly doubting your partner’s intentions can harm the bond you’re trying to create....

Read here http://www.counsellorshivanisadhoo.com/blog/2023/09/12/commitment-mistakes-women-make/

Category(s):Couple Counseling, Marital Counseling, Pre-Marital Counseling, Relationships & Marriage

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Couples Therapist Shivani Misri Sadhoo

Shivani Misri Sadhoo is of Delhi's eminent Couples Therapist, Relationship experts and marriage counselors and works with India 's top hospital groups like Fortis Hospital, IBS