How a Video Game Could Help Children with Autism

Posted on January 9, 2019

Photo: pexels

A new form of treatment protocol for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that involves the use of a digital therapeutic video game has been shown to result in a 95% adherence rate of recommended treatment sessions. This video requires them to steer a hovercraft while performing other tasks and has been said to result in the possible improvement of cognitive control.

Research from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) additional showed how this treatment also known as Project: EVO, resulted in high rates of satisfaction reported by both parents and children of the treatment. Moreover, a trend was observed towards improved attention and ADHD symptoms as well based on parental reports.

This intervention primarily requires children to multitask by rapidly switching between an attention/memory task and a continuous visuomotor driving task. Each session consisted of five, 5-minute runs where the child would have to complete both tasks simultaneously. Additionally, it integrates real-time and between-session data to optimize the treatment to each individual child and his or her specific needs.

Approximately half of the children with ASD exhibit ADHD symptoms and medications for ADHD are not as effective for this group of children. Thus, this treatment Project: EVO might be a useful alternative that is possibly more efficacious for cognitive control impairments in children with both ASD and ADHD. However, more research and follow-up studies have to be conducted to further evaluate its full efficacy, but this is indeed, a useful treatment protocol that has the potential benefit those with ASD.

Category(s):Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism spectrum disorders

Source material from Healthcare Analytics News