Are You Using These Negative Ways to Measure Your Self-worth?

Posted on July 12, 2017

Many people measure their self-worth using unreliable measures. We may not even consciously realise the measures we use. It can be subjective – when we feel like we are reaching our goal, our self-esteem increases, and vice versa. While we may be aware of these changes in self-esteem, we do not realise how we measure it.

According to Amy Morin, a social worker, these are five common but unhealthy ways self-worth is measured:

1) Our appearance.
Many marketing strategies in the media focus on people’s insecurities, like weight gain. This sends the message that how “good” we are is based on how we look. Hence, for anyone who bases self-worth on appearances, any perceived negative change, like wrinkles or hair loss, can be disastrous.

2) Net worth.
Many people attempt to create an image of wealth to feel better about themselves. However, this attempt may lead to a pile of debt instead. Material possessions may have monetary value, but this does not reflect who you are as a human being.

3) The people you know.
Surrounding yourself with important people may make you feel important as well. However, you cannot control people’s perception of you. Relying on praise from others will never be enough to make you feel good about yourself.

4) Your career.
A career may increase a person’s self-worth. However, incidents like an economic downtown or an unexpected end to your career may greatly damage your self-worth if you define it by what you do.

5) Your achievements.
It is normal to celebrate success. However, solely focusing on accomplishments means you need constant success to have a good self-worth.

The measures we choose to determine our self-worth affects how we live. Use factors that you can control – not external factors.

Category(s):Self-Criticism, Self-Love

Source material from Psychology Today