How to find more time in your day, no matter how busy you are

Posted on June 2, 2017


We're all busy. Overworked. Overscheduled. We want to work out, manage our day job, have a social life, take care of families, and, all the while, keep up to date with the latest Psychology Matters Asia articles. Yet alas, "there are only so many hours in a day."

But perhaps it matters not how much time we have, but rather how much time we make. Career coach Susie Moore, who is "obsessed with productivity hacks", always thinks about what she can do to save time and be efficient. She shared with Business Insider some of her own favourite ways to find more time in the day:

1. Say 'no.' A lot.

"Warren Buffet actually said the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people say no - a lot," noted Moore. By learning to say no to what doesn't serve you, it opens up magical hours in your week, every week.

2. Know your 'golden hours.'

Moore calls the most productive hours of your day your "golden hours" - and while they highly differ from person to person, they typically tend to be in the morning. Reserve your golden hours for your "hustle time", according to Moore. By understanding and working during your prime time, you can get much more done because you maximise your brainpower when it's at its highest capacity.

3. Take advantage of your smartphone.

"Our phone gives us access to everything - we're completely spoiled on what we can do," Moore said. "You can do small things like when you're waiting for a subway or waiting in line at the bank, you can make phone calls. You can pay your bills. So when you use your wait time well, your commute time well, you find these pockets of time."

It's not just about having more free time; it's about utilising your opportunities to do things that serve you and only you. No matter how busy you are, always remember to take care of yourself first - doing so will thus motivate and energise you to accomplish more, promoting a healthy cycle of productivity.

Category(s):Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Self-Care / Self Compassion

Source material from Business Insider