How to Tap into Your Capabilities

Posted on June 1, 2017

“You are capable of so much more than we usually dare to imagine.” – Sharon Salzberg

Here are some suggestions on how you can tap into your capabilities and live up to your fullest potential:

1. Open your horizons
How often have you thought of doing something but then decided to let the thought go without acting on it because you haven't done it before and you think you are not capable of it? By denying ourselves the opportunity to show that we are capable, we further limit our horizons. You can always try to do new things, and build up on those capabilities. Live life with no limits and see how opportunities begin to reveal themselves.

2. Learn from your mistakes
Everybody make mistakes sometimes. It is essential to have a growth mindset and learn from your past failures. Set yourself free from self-defeating thoughts, learn to forgive yourself, and look forward to doing better.

3. Seek encouragement from others
The support and encouragement of loved ones, family members, friends and co-workers or concerned others is an instrumental part of overcoming our insecurities and fears. Besides, others may more quickly recognize talents and gifts that you possess that aren’t clear to you. When you accept, and receive their encouragement, you’re more inclined to be motivated to discovery and self-growth.

4. Challenge outmoded beliefs
Challenge your thoughts. Some thoughts and beliefs about ourselves are automatic, and may often be negative. Seek to refute this thoughts using your past successes.

5. Actively pursue new activities
One way to build on our capabilities is to pursue those activities and endeavors that deliberately expose us to something unfamiliar. Growth happens outside of our comfort zones.

6. Work on building your self-esteem
Every small success or project completed adds to your level of self-confidence and works to elevate your self-esteem. To grow, you must feel good about yourself. It’s also important to never allow anyone to tear you down. Refuse to internalize their criticisms, although do take to heart any valid advice, even if it runs contrary to what you currently think. You may have a blind spot when it comes to certain aspects of your behavior. Think of this as another learning experience, an opportunity to grow further.

7. Recognize that you have untapped potential
There are many who look at their potential as a finite resource. This is an extremely debilitating thought that can limit growth that can otherwise be achieved.

There is so much more we can do, as long as we believe in ourselves and take the necessary steps to pursue such growth.

Category(s):Positive Psychology

Source material from PsychCentral