Why Emotional Snap Judgments Are Often Wrong

Posted on February 25, 2017


It's easy to jump the gun, especially when we are emotionally aroused. However, how many times can you say that your first impression of someone was accurate? Research suggests that when we reflect it improves the quality of our judgements. This goes for playing chess to deciding whether or not to take up a new job. And when it comes to emotions, it's especially better to reflect before we make a judgment.

In an experiment conducted by researchers from Harvard University, participants said that they would rather take an instinctive approach over an analytical one when it comes to reading other people's emotions. However, later experiments show that participants who took an intuitive approach when judging another's emotions were more inaccurate compared to someone who did the same systematically. Thus, those who spent more time reflecting and analyzing came to more accurate conclusions.

Source material from Scientific American