The Way You Share Your Good News Reveals Your Personality

Posted on February 17, 2017

Photo: flickr

There are many ways to sharing a newly landed good news. Some might text a best friend immediately, launch the great news to social media, talk about it in the presence of someone who does not enjoy the same ability or keeping it all to themselves. A recent research study published how the answers to this act may say something about you.

Firstly, telling a best friend or family member about the good news helps one to revisit the good experience of it with encouraging audience. Such capitalising of good news shows how personality trait of Agreeableness, and having more empathy were associated.

Secondly, by bragging the positive event to someone of a lower capability in achieving – strives for envious episode. Such bragging is usually considered more prototypically masculine and this is common across genders.

Lastly, mass-sharing of events on social media turned out to show results of no gender biases in doing so as even though women spent more time on social sites than men. Researchers found out that those who chose to mass-share events on social sites tend to score higher on narcissism. On the flipside, those who chose to not share their good news in any way, tend to scale lower on the narcissistic level.

Positive psychology movement highlighted that moderation in capitalising good news to close pals, help in psychological health and wellbeing while bragging promote resentment and ostracising might occur.

Think carefully on how you would like to share a good news the next time round, considering factors whether audiences need to hear what you want to share as so to prevent a good news being another’s bad.

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Category(s):Positive Psychology

Source material from British Psychological Society