Job Dissatisfaction and Mental Health

Posted on February 2, 2017

Photo: flickr

A happy worker is a happy workplace. The importance of an employee's subjective well-being directly affects the quality of performance in his job. If one is unhappy and stressed, then his work will reflect it. Steve Nguyen, a leadership, training and talent consultant, explains that a company's first priority should be their employees if any progress and success is wanted.

Nguyen also emphasizes how being under-worked can cause the same type of low-quality performance compared to someone who is overworked. This is because an employee who is under-stimulated experiences the same stressful dissatisfaction as one who does too much. If the workload does not challenge an employee enough, his subjective well-being and performance will drop over time.

However, Nguyen also says that there are some things a company cannot control, such as life outside the office. Family and friends are a major part of one's subjective well-being. Any difficulties with those relationships can bleed over to work performance. It is crucial to try and keep these two domains separate.

To keep our mental health up, Nguyen suggests that employees need work that is challenging enough to be engaged but not overstimulated. Talks and workshops could also be conducted to teach employees different coping strategies in times of stress and how to overcome challenges.

Source material from Workplace Psychology