How Highly Sensitive People Can Shield Themselves From Negativity

Posted on February 17, 2016

Highly sensitive people are so vulnerable to the negativity of others that it takes practice and patience to avoid catching the feelings of others.

At some point, we’ve all experienced negativity suck the air out of a room. We’ve all had that evening where we took our work home with us; you’re eating dinner with your family and can’t stop thinking about that critical/disapproving thing your manager told you. You want to feel happy and relaxed, but you’re still hanging onto someone else’s feelings. That’s the everyday life of the highly sensitive person.

So... how do you shield yourself from people's negativity?

1) Visualize a boundary between you and the rest of the world.

2) Visualize good things passing through the barrier (eg: Compliments, positive words/energies, warm smiles)

3) Negative things (eg: rude comments, harsh words, anger and disappointment) are not permitted pass this barrier.

The ability to deflect negativity means you don’t have to accept it. You can keep your feet pressed firmly in your own emotional mindset. Nobody can drop a bomb on your optimism. If you keep your optimism high and refuse to be dragged down, you find you’re a better friend and companion to those around you for you react in calmer ways.

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