Facial Features and Salaries

Posted on December 28, 2015

Photo source: Flickr

When you first interview for a job or head into a salary negotiation, there’s a lot that’s under your control. You can easily impress the person on the other side of the table by talking about your past achievements, your ambitions for the future, and your ability to lead a team to greatness.

Unfortunately, that person may be subconsciously relying on your facial structure — something you have little to no say over — for clues as to how much money you deserve. According to new research, those whose faces convey the impression of trustworthiness and dominance may walk away with a higher salary.

Previous research has found that dominance is associated with “masculine” features, like a squared face, strong jawline, pronounced eyebrows, and thin eyes and lips. Trustworthiness is associated with “feminine” features like a round face, big eyes, small eyebrows, and full lips.

Researchers of the current study asked participants to indicate how much they would pay the person in the photograph for the position of either Retail Manager or Head of Retail Operations (a more senior position). For the position of Retail Manager, the pay range was about $36,000 to $43,655 per year; for the position of Head of Retail Operations, the range was about $125,000 to $134,000.

In an earlier experiment, another group of raters had evaluated the photos for attractiveness, dominance, and trustworthiness.When the researchers analyzed all the findings, they saw that attractiveness mattered more for candidates for the Retail Manager position. Specifically, attractive candidates were awarded an additional $362.

Among candidates for the Head of Retail Operations, trustworthiness and dominance mattered more. Trustworthy-looking candidates were awarded about $419 more, while dominant-looking candidates received about $355 more. In fact, the researchers found that over the course of a 40-year career, having desirable facial features could lead to an income advantage of between $11,000 and $26,000.

Unfortunately, just because someone’s face looks trustworthy, dominant, or attractive — or just because they’re tall and thin — doesn’t mean they’ll do a good job as an employee or a leader. The researchers note that some appearance-based judgments are indeed accurate — for example, people are pretty good at determining how extroverted someone is based on looks alone. But others may be entirely off-base, so it’s generally unwise to make decisions by relying on these evaluations.

This article was edited in content for length. Follow the link below to read it in full.

Source material from Business Insider