Sleeping in feels so good - but may be unhealthy.

Posted on November 24, 2015

Photo source: Flickr

Sleeping later on weekends may be bad for you.

Several studies have previously reported an association between shift work and an increased risk for heart disease and diabetes. A new research found a similar association in people whose sleeping schedules change on the weekend.

For seven days, 447 men and women ages 30 to 54 wore devices that measured movement and tracked when they fell asleep and woke.

Almost 85 percent of the group went to sleep and woke later on their days off than during the workweek. The researchers found that the greater the mismatch in sleep timing between weekdays and weekends, the higher the metabolic risk. Sleeping late on days off was linked to lower HDL (good) cholesterol, higher triglycerides, higher insulin resistance and higher body mass index.The associations persisted after controlling for physical activity, caloric intake, alcohol use and other factors.

“It’s not clear yet that this is a long-term effect,” said the lead author, Patricia M. Wong, a graduate student at the University of Pittsburgh. “But we think of this as people having to sleep and work out of sync with their internal clock, and that having to be out of sync may be having these health effects.”

Category(s):Health Psychology, Workplace Issues

Source material from The New York Times