Is it social pressure or human nature that we conform?

Posted on May 8, 2015

Photo: flickr

We copy other’s action, we copy other’s words, … Is this all in human nature? Solomon Asch propose that we conform to the norm and deny evidence of our own senses.

In Social Psychology, we explain conformity as group pressure, desire to belong to the group and all things good about the group. But could it be that is innate within us rather than social pressure.

The study by Diana Kim and a group of researchers suggest that the way we behave in a situation is through recalling other’s behaviour in the same situation. However, we might get confused at recall and think that it was our own behaviour. Thus, the study suggests that behavioural decisions are a kind of ‘mental average’ of our own past behaviour plus that of other people.
In simpler terms, it means that we copy others, we forget about we are copying them, so it feels like our own decision.

Category(s):Other, Social Isolation

Source material from PsyBlog