Meditation is an Effective Treatment for Depression, Anxiety and Pain

Posted on January 10, 2014

A medical journal review has found that just 30 minutes daily meditation can improve the symptoms of depression, anxiety and pain.

Participants in this review had had at least 4 hours of instruction in a form of meditation, such as mindfulness or mantra-based programs.

Typically, though, participants were given 2.5 hours instruction per week over 8 weeks.

Many of the participants also had physical problems, like lower back pain, heart disease and insomnia, which were likely heavily involved in their depression and/or anxiety.

The control groups contained matched participants who did things that were similar to meditation, but without actually being meditation.

It was found that meditation consistently outperformed the control conditions, suggesting meditation is effective.

Click on the link below to read the full article

Category(s):Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Depression, Meditation

Source material from Psy Blog