Manage your cravings by being mindful

Cravings are often described as a type of highly impactful and conscious desire linked to one’s behavior. Studies have found some mindfulness strategies that reduce or even prevent unhealthy cravings for alcohol, food and cigarettes.

Aug 24

Categories: Health Psychology, Mindfulness, Mindfulness Meditation


Why is Mindfulness Meditation So Important for Your Mental Health?

When it comes to mental health, everyone is trying to find a therapy that works quick, one that is cost-effective, psychologically effective, and long-lasting. However, this is dependent on your mental health as each of these therapies has its own ...

Aug 23

Categories: Mindfulness, Mindfulness Meditation


Mindfulness could be the key to end cravings

Mindfulness strategies helps to reduce cravings for alcohol, substances and food. Such strategies include exercises that are focused on physical sensations and deep breathing, to differentiate between thoughts and physical being.

May 30

Categories: Addictions, Control Issues, Eating Disorders, Mindfulness, ...


7 Tips for Becoming More Mindful

Discover seven techniques to implement into your life to become more mindful

Jun 21

Categories: Mindfulness, Mindfulness Meditation


Easing Pain

Psychologists are exploring complementary therapies and integrated approaches to better treat the complex problem of chronic pain. More effort is being put into studying complementary therapies, including hypnosis, meditation and yoga, that may ease ...

Oct 25

Categories: Chronic Pain, Hypnosis, Mindfulness, Mindfulness Meditation, Pain ...


The Psychology of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is currently a hot topic in psychology, and beyond. Given the wealth of research on mindfulness, as well as dissenting opinions regarding the efficacy and effectiveness of mindfulness, what exactly is mindfulness?

Oct 20

Categories: Meditation, Mindfulness, Mindfulness Meditation


Mindfulness-based eating awareness helps adolescents eat healthier ...

A pilot study showed that mindfulness-based eating awareness training encouraged adolescents to eat healthier and exercise more and marginalized their tendency to gain weight.

Apr 6

Categories: Eating Disorders, Mindfulness, Mindfulness Meditation


Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Negativity

While mindfulness has previously been found to reduced negative rumination, recent studies show that mindfulness meditation is also able to reduce cognitive emphasis on negativity.

Oct 2

Categories: Mindfulness, Mindfulness Meditation


3 Steps for Tolerating the Pain of Painful Emotions

People “who accept pain in life move through it faster rather than [individuals who] resist [it],” Cash said. Again, “Not dealing with it and avoiding painful feelings guarantees they will circle back.”

Oct 1

Categories: Mindfulness, Mindfulness Meditation, Pain management


How Mindfulness Training Affects Health

Over the past decade, there have been many encouraging findings suggesting that mindfulness training can improve a broad range of mental and physical health problems. Yet, exactly how mindfulness positively impacts health is not clear.

Feb 16

Categories: Mindfulness, Mindfulness Meditation


Guided Mindfulness Meditation on Overcoming Anxiety and Fear

If you are feeling a tightness in your chest, faster heartbeat, or shortened breath, you are likely feeling symptoms of anxiety and ...

Oct 2

Categories: Anxiety, Fear, Mindfulness Meditation


Stress reduction from just 25 minutes of mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation has become an increasingly popular way for people to improve their mental and physical health, yet most research supporting its benefits has focused on lengthy, weeks-long training programs. New research from Carnegie Mellon ...

Jul 8

Categories: Mindfulness Meditation, Stress Management


Does mindfulness meditation work?

Given the widespread belief that meditation practice is scientifically certified to be good for just about everything, the results of a recent major analysis of the research might come as some surprise.

Jun 12

Categories: Mindfulness Meditation


Which kind of mindfulness meditation to choose?

Let's say you want to be more mindful - that is, cul­ti­vate inten­tional, non-judgmental atten­tion to each moment. Med­i­ta­tion is the core of mind­ful­ness, but there are many dif­fer­ent forms of med­i­ta­tion. Which one is best ...

May 8

Categories: Mindfulness Meditation


Just fifteen minutes of mindfulness meditation can improve your ...

Do you have an expensive but uncomfortable pair of shoes or jeans at the back of your cupboard that you never ever wear, but you simply cannot throw away because to do so would be to admit defeat and recognise that you wasted a lot of money? If so, ...

Jan 22

Categories: Mindfulness Meditation

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