Psychology as Inception

Can you think a thought which isn't yours? A remarkable new study, led by psychologist Jay Olson from McGill University in Canada, suggests you can. The research, published in Consciousness and Cognition, used a form of stage magic known as ...

Oct 13

Categories: Hypnosis


Hypnosis is legitimately part of a comprehensive treatment plan

Frequently, on TV. we see people get "hypnotized" and as a result, perform huge and seemingly important feats. Popular culture has also always labelled it as "magic" (a la the movie Now You See Me). All these, unforunately, have created a bad ...

Sep 22

Categories: Hypnosis


Miracles in Hypnosis

Feb 2

Categories: Hypnosis


How to remove unwanted thoughts?

Would you like to remove unwanted thoughts or some memory of shame or regret that just irritates you like a parasite? Maybe you just want to take your mind off something and it just seems to come back in the most unexpected moments. There is a ...

Aug 19

Categories: Hypnosis


Hypnosis extends restorative slow-wave sleep

Deep sleep promotes our well-being, improves our memory and strengthens the body’s defences. Zurich and Fribourg researchers demonstrate how restorative SWS can also be increased without medication - using hypnosis.

Jun 4

Categories: Hypnosis, Sleep Disorders


Hypnosis Showed I Was A Killer

Janet, 64, had buried the horrific memories until she went for therapy. In 1976 Fred Handford, 56 — her business partner on the farm — vanished. Despite a huge police search he was never found. For more than 30 years Janet, who worked with him ...

Jul 5

Categories: Hypnosis

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