Overconfidence Can Be Transmitted From Person To Person

There will always be some people within a group who are more confident than others. But some groups as a whole tend towards modesty - as with the !Kung hunters of the Kalahari Desert, for example, who deliberately downplay their own achievements and ...

Aug 6

Categories: Self-Esteem, Workplace Issues


Positive relationships boost self-esteem, and vice versa

Positive relationships with parents will improve self-esteem of children, hence enabling them to build healthy relationships with their peers in the future, especially during adolescence.

Oct 4

Categories: Self-Esteem


Social Media (Again) Shown to be worse for Girls’ Mental Health ...

Technology has indeed brought much convenience to our everyday lives, and with technology comes the use of social media as well. A recent study conducted has once again shown how the increased time spent on social media, can negatively affect our ...

Jan 7

Categories: Depression, Self-Esteem


Men and Body Image

Body image is one of the common issues people face. It is often talked about in relation to women and their insecurities. However, what we tend to forget is that, men do feel the same way at times too. It is possible for men to feel insecure about ...

Oct 16

Categories: Adult psychological development, Health Psychology, Men's Issues, ...


Narcissism VS Self-Esteem

There is often a misconception between the term ‘Self-esteem’ and ‘Narcissism’. Many often think that having high self-esteem makes one narcissistic or rather, having high self-esteem means being narcissistic. The truth is from as young as a ...

Sep 28

Categories: Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Child Development, Parenting, ...


Ways to improve Self-Esteem

There are days when we feel so good as though nothing can bring us down, but there are also days when we feel like a failure and everything is falling apart. It is normal for everyone to experience fluctuations in our self-esteem. The following are ...

Sep 7

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Adult psychological ...


Imposter Syndrome

This article talks about a psychological condition called Imposter Syndrome, when people cannot recognize their achievements.

Sep 4

Categories: Adult psychological development, Health Psychology, Self-Confidence, ...


Are Narcissism and Self-Esteem referring to the same thing?

A narcissist is defined by the desire for a higher social status, and not for social acceptance.

Jun 11

Categories: Personality problems, Self-Esteem


Veering Away from Low Self-Confidence

Those with low self-esteem often engage in self-destructive, self-sabotaging behavior that he or she may not even be aware of. In this article, we attempt to dissociate self-sabotaging from having low self-esteem, and in so doing, hope to make that ...

Feb 1

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Self-Esteem


The Most Irrational Self-Enhancing Bias of All: Belief In Our Moral ...

Most of us believe that we are more intelligent, harder-working and better at anything in particular, than average. When it comes to certain moral qualities, our personal sense of superiority is so inflated, research suggests. Even jailed criminals ...

Nov 30

Categories: Other, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem


Facing Rejection Like a Champ

Everyone will face rejection in their lives. No matter what the issue is about, we often feel like we had made a mistake to cause the rejection, and that we are to blame. However, viewing rejection in a different light can make it a positive event.

Aug 7

Categories: Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Esteem


Why Meticulously Made Decisions Motivate Us to Persist

Decision effort signals worth, raises confidence, increases chances of success.

Jul 25

Categories: Self-Esteem


Six Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem

Good self-esteem helps us tide through challenges in life, and allows us to enjoy life on good days. If you are feeling less confident than usual, here are a few ways to boost your self-esteem.

Jul 17

Categories: Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem


How Self-Compassion Can Help You Heal Your Inner Critic

Guest writer Dr. Mari Kovanen explains how you can use self-compassion to change your negative self-talk, heal your inner critic, and ultimately create a pathway to a healthier self-image and stronger relationships.

Jun 8

Categories: Self-Care / Self Compassion, Self-Confidence, Self-Esteem, Self-Love, ...


Why do people lie?

While everybody lies, few are actually aware of why they do it and how destructive it can be. The answer to the question "Why do people lie?" essentially depends on the motivations of the liar.

May 24

Categories: Infidelity, Self-Esteem, Trust Issues

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