Middle aged and worrying about memory problems? Here are some tips on ...

 “If any one faculty of our nature may be called more wonderful than the rest, I do think it is memory.There seems something more speakingly incomprehensible in the powers, the failures, the inequalities of memory, than in any other of our intelligences.”Jane Austen ...

Feb 20

Categories: Cognitive Problems Amnesia / Dementia


Anthony Hopkins and the suffering caused by unrecognized ...

The history of the term Asperger's Syndrome is rather complicated. The condition now popularly recognized as autism was first proposed by Leo Kanner in 1943. A year later, an Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger described a somewhat similar condition which came to be called Asperger’s ...

Jul 30

Categories: Asperger's Syndrome


The Self-Care Guide to taking better care of your own Mental Wellbeing

Many of us take care of the needs of others more frequently and much better than we take care of our own needs.  Although there are several possible reasons why we neglect our own self-care, one of the most important is that self-care simply get swamped out by the needs of our family or ...

Dec 24

Categories: Mindfulness, Self-Care / Self Compassion, Stress Management


Rethinking Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnosis in ...

Recent research suggests a radical new conceptualization of ADHD: Do you have subclinical ADHD and are you receiving appropriate treatment?ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) is a condition characterized by problems with attention and/or hyperactivity and impulsivity. ADHD has been ...

Jul 31

Categories: Adult ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Child ...


The Art of Decisions Making - How to overcome Analysis Paralysis

The effectiveness and quality of our decision making is of central importance to our lives.  This is highlighted by its very definition in the Oxford Dictionary of Psychology, which states that decision making is the "act or process of choosing a preferred option or course of action from ...

Oct 5

Categories: Executive Functions


Increased mortality rate in ADHD: effect of age when diagnosed and ...

A study just published online in the prestigious medical journal Lancet (Dalsgaard et al, 2015) has for first time obtained substantive evidence of an increased mortality rate in persons with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The study by Dalsgaard and his colleagues at Aarhus ...

Apr 2

Categories: Addictions, Adult ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ...


Why you should get a Diagnosis if you suspect you may have ADHD

In my years of practice, many adults who suspect they have ADHD only seek assessment and treatment after years of struggling with the problems caused by the condition. Many come for treatment when they are in their late 30s and early 40s.  There are also others who were diagnosed decades ago ...

Nov 6

Categories: Adult ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Understanding Low Self-Esteem and how you can improve it

Pia Mellody, one of the founders of the co-dependency movement, cites problems with self-esteem as being one of the five primary symptoms of co-dependency (Mellody, Pia, 1989).  In an amazing example of prescience, Pia did not propose that every person who is co-dependent suffers from low ...

Sep 9

Categories: Codependency / Dependency, Positive Psychology, Self-Esteem


How to improve your Knowledge and Understanding of your Self

“Oh wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursel's as others see us! It wad frae monie a blunder free us, And foolish notion” Although these lines were written by Robert Burns, Scotland's most famous and honored poet, over two hundred years ago, they continue to have ...

Aug 18

Categories: Asperger's Syndrome, Self-Care / Self Compassion


What to do if you are in an intimate relationship with someone who ...

I quite frequently receive heartbreaking requests from individuals who are in a painful relationship or marriage in which their mate is suffering from some kind of serious psychological problem such as alcoholism, gambling addiction etc.  Often these  individuals are isolated and confused ...

Jun 17

Categories: Addictions, Family Problems, Mental Health in Asia, Relationships ...


Grieving: How do you cope with loss?

Grieving is painful, and not only for the person grieving, but for the griever's loved ones, family and friends.  Unfortunately in modern society with its emphasis on speed and efficiency, some well-intentioned individuals who otherwise sympathize with the grieving person, may ...

May 8

Categories: Depression, Grief, Loss, Bereavement


Codependence and the three A's: Awareness, Acceptance, and Action

I first learned of the three A's, awareness, acceptance, and action from Alanon which is a wonderful self-help group for the family and friends of the alcoholic.  Alanon suggests its members utilize the "Three A's" in dealing with the problems specifically caused by ...

Apr 16

Categories: Codependency / Dependency


How does one cope with ambiguous loss? The case of the disappeared ...

The continuing confusion and lack of definitive information about the whereabouts of Malaysian Airline MH370 for over two weeks (when this post is written), has focused the world's attention on the suffering of the family and friends of the 239 missing passengers. It is difficult to even ...

Mar 24

Categories: Grief, Loss, Bereavement, Support Groups


How Journaling can Change your Life

Journaling is a way to improve your understanding of yourself. It provides a platform on which you can stand so that you can observe yourself. Self-knowledge, including discovering your strengths and weaknesses, your likes and dislikes is essential for making life decisions and for self-fulfilment. ...

Mar 5

Categories: Addictions, Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Life Purpose / ...


Executive Function: What It Is and Why It Is Important

One of the greatest scientific mysteries is how the human mind/brain functions.  For example, how does a young child control his or her temper? How does a child manage to sit still in school and pay attention to what the teacher is saying? How do we decide what career to pursue, make plans to ...

Feb 5

Categories: Executive Functions


Blog Writer:

Brian Scott

Dr. Scott is a clinical psychologist based in Singapore with three decades of counseling and psychotherapy experience in helping adults with many kinds of psychological difficulties. These include anxiety, depression, addictions (cybersex, love), and Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Adult ADHD).

Brian Scott belongs to Scott Psychological Centre in Singapore