How Psychology Counselling Can Help You Move Past Depression

At any point in your life, you may experience feelings of being down, demotivated, and burned out. These are all symptoms of depression. If you find yourself in such a difficult situation, courageously seek the professional help of a psychologist. A professional counselor can guide you towards overcoming your depression and helps you move ...

Jul 25

Categories: Positive Psychology


How Anxiety Affects The Brain: What You Need To Know

According to the National Institute of Mental Health or NIMH statistical data, 5.7% of adults in the United States have experienced generalized anxiety disorder at some point. Anxiety refers to an intrinsic fear or apprehension which is usually of unknown ...

Mar 22

Categories: Social Anxiety / Phobia


Why Depression Is Becoming Such A Concern In This Day and Age

Depression is a severe psychological or psychiatric problem that arises due to multiple factors, and every case varies from one person to another. It is becoming a growing concern in this modern era, most especially among Millennials and the Generation Z people. Mild or chronic depression requires professional help.

Mar 8

Categories: Depression


How Psychological Counselling Can Help Improve Quality Of Life

Psychological counselling has tons of benefits if you’re experiencing emotional turmoil, anxiety, depression, or negative behaviors. These problems often arise due to relationship issues, financial crisis, career-related problems, bullying, and many other reasons.

Mar 8

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions


4 Signs That You Need Marriage Counseling

Get married, settle down, have children, and live the rest of your life with the partner that you truly love – this may seem Hollywood-esque, but in reality, a marital relationship has to go through bumps and bruises of life. To help in dealing with these problems, couples can seek marriage counseling.

Mar 8

Categories: Marital Counseling


Why Counselling Is So Important For People With Trauma

Experiencing a traumatic event can take its toll not only on your physical well-being but on your mental state as well. Trauma is an emotional response that occurs after witnessing or going through overwhelming situations, such as a natural disaster, accidents, or war. Counselling is a useful tool to help patients heal and overcome the hurdles ...

Mar 8

Categories: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / Trauma / Complex PTSD


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