Ways Couples Can Fix their Relationship Issues: Shivani Sadhoo

 Relationships might often seem like a difficult landscape to navigate at times. Romantic relationship problems occur for several reasons but generally, they result in one or both partners feeling emotionally disassociated in their relationship, says Shivani Sadhoo.

Mar 9

Categories: Couple Counseling, Marital Counseling, Pre-Marital Counseling, ...


Avoid These Mistakes if You are Married, Says Shivani Sadhoo

Everyone makes mistakes, that is normal. But certain faults or misunderstandings are strong enough to put your relationship in the doldrums, says Shivani Sadhoo if you do it continuously and in the long term, particularly as a married couple.It does not mean you will not make any mistakes at ...

Mar 5

Categories: Couple Counseling, Marital Counseling, Pre-Marital Counseling, ...


When Love is Just Not Enough: Ways One Allows Relationship to Fade

Relationships perhaps always start with wild, head-over-heels feelings of attraction and devotion. On its own, however, love is simply not enough. Shivani Sadhoo reveals some of the most common barriers between you, your partner, and long-lasting passion.

Feb 1

Categories: Couple Counseling, Marital Counseling, Pre-Marital Counseling, ...


Body Language Signs, that Signify a Couple has a Healthy Marriage

Signs of a healthy and happy marriage are pretty much noticeable. Couples Therapist Shivani Sadhoo says that your actions and body language depict how as a partner you treat each other.

Feb 1

Categories: Couple Counseling, Marital Counseling, Pre-Marital Counseling, ...


Strategies to Deal with a Workaholic Spouse

If you are married to a workaholic partner, you might at times feel as if you are married to an unfaithful spouse who has replaced your intimacy with his or her work. This sense of being alone, the numerous broken promises, feelings of anger and disappointment, and a belief that you are not that ...

Feb 1

Categories: Couple Counseling, Ending a relationship issues, Marital Counseling, ...


Things that Helps You Develop Trust in Your Relationship

One of the oldest and biggest mantras to a healthy and lasting relationship is trust. It is a fragile yet powerful adhesive that holds two people together. It certainly is hard and at times a complex task to develop trust when you are beginning out in a relationship. But it is not so much of an ...

Feb 1

Categories: Couple Counseling, Marital Counseling, Relationships & Marriage


The 4 C’s That Makes Your Marriage Easy and Enjoyable

Do you remember when you first met your special one? It might have been one of those fairy-tale moments. Everything surrounding you faded into the background and the one thing that existed was them. You gathered up the courage to introduce yourself and your relationship was created

Feb 1

Categories: Ending a relationship issues, Marital Counseling, Relationships & ...


Things You Should Know About The Post-Marriage Depression

You have all given your entire energy into the wedding for days and months, and you have gone through the complete process of hiring, buying, and returning everything possible. Now, you are beginning to feel blues. Is post-marriage depression a reality, or is it all in your mind?

Jan 24

Categories: Ending a relationship issues, Love addiction, Marital Counseling, ...


Things a Real Man does when he is into a Relationship

A few women feel a real man do not exist, that he is impossible to get. Some women do not want somebody like him. On the other hand, many men think they are the best definition of a real man.

Jan 2

Categories: Ending a relationship issues, Marital Counseling, Relationships & ...



Do you feel that your relationship is nearing an end? Avoiding a breakdown in a relationship asks efforts, particularly dealing with relationship issues such as physical disloyalty, anxiety, health issue, a shortage of quality time spending, or an emotional matter.

Sep 29

Categories: Couple Counseling, Ending a relationship issues, Marital Counseling, ...


Signs your Wife is Unhappily Married

Some say that women are like the weather, so unpredictable! But, when her partner ignores her for the better of himself, it is then the woman slowly starts to feel unhappy in the marriage. When the two of you stand at the altar to take each other vows, you tend to say it with meaning and from your ...

Jul 16

Categories: Marital Counseling, Relationships & Marriage


How To Deal With Feeling Unwanted And Unloved

Have you ever experienced abandonment in your life? Before you come to know how deep the wounds of being “second best” or “not worthy” runs inside you. Are you aware of how feeling unwanted has changed the person who you are and the way you interact with others? We are ...

Mar 19

Categories: Depression, Marital Counseling, Positive Psychology, Relationships ...


5 Ways Couples Can Survive Cheating – Tips by Relationship ...

Human relationships are quite fickle and tricky at times, particularly in marital life. You never know what will happen next in your relationship. More so if it involves cheating on your partner. When someone you love and betrays your trust, it can feel like a hopeless situation. But when you learn ...

Jan 7

Categories: Ending a relationship issues, Marital Counseling, Relationships & ...


5 Ways To Show That You Care For Your Spouse

Dec 18

Categories: Ending a relationship issues, Marital Counseling, Relationships & ...


Five Ways Travelling Can Boost Your Mental Health and Relationship

Dec 7

Categories: Couple Counseling, Ending a relationship issues, Marital Counseling, ...


Blog Writer:

Couples Therapist Shivani Misri Sadhoo

Shivani Misri Sadhoo is of Delhi's eminent Couples Therapist, Relationship experts and marriage counselors and works with India 's top hospital groups like Fortis Hospital, IBS