Can Your Parenting Style Influence your Child’s Weight?

Asian Americans are the least likely of all Americans to be obese. That is what a Gallup poll, released a few days ago on July 17, 2012 in America reported. After reading about that report I decided ...

Jul 23

Categories: Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Parenting


Neurasthenia, “Americanitis” and the Chinese Patient

I like to think of medicine from a biopsychosocial perspective, which focuses on the bi-directional relationships between body, mind and environment. Note that I did not reference a brain-body, but instead a mind-body relationship. The 33 billion or so cells which serve as the command center of our ...

Jul 19

Categories: Health / Illness / Medical Issues


Do You Cry in Public or in Private?

“If you've never eaten while crying you don’t know what life tastes like.” I came across this saying by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe the other day and thought that it would be a nice starting point to talk about the subject of crying. It’s not that Goethe cried a lot; ...

Jul 13

Categories: Empathy, Grief, Loss, Bereavement


Blog Writer:

Tony Brown

Tony Brown is a former U.S. Army (Reserve) Medical Officer, and currently completing his studies as an M.D./PhD/MBA candidate, with a research thesis titled, “Pharmacology and the Neurological Correlates of Consciousness.”