How Can Depression Psychologist Help You

Published on July 23, 2019

Depression is a serious mental condition that makes a person incapable of understanding its surroundings, and it shows a lack of interest in anything. In Asia-Pacific, this mental disorder is higher than the rest of the world because of stressful work culture and lack of mental health services, according to the latest survey.

Indeed, depression is a common cause in the society and availability of effective treatments; still, many people are not getting help. A designated depression psychologist Hong Kong is changing the perceptive of depression in society through awareness and service in mental disorders care.

According to NAMI, a mental health organization, depression is still at large face discrimination when it comes to employment and housing. It is a social evil for some people that is destroying people’s lives. Moreover, lack of awareness is making things difficult for the people who suffer from it.

Symptoms of Depression

  • Indecisive

Depression cripples the decision making the ability of a person and thus, a person is always confused or angry at taking small decisions like choosing bread or noodles in the breakfast.

  • Unexplained Physical Pain

Chronic pain and consistent aching with no physical cause is a typical sign of depression. It makes a person feels that death is only left option.

  • Consistent Irritation

Mood swings are frequent in this condition and often take forms of mania or suppression.

  • Chronic Sadness

Melancholy feelings that are constant for more than a period of six months are due to unrecognized depression.

  • Isolation and Exhaustion

Social isolation and unexplained fatigue make a person away from family and friends. There is a pattern of missing on commitments and office for months.

The common types of depression terms are MDD (Major Depressive Disorder), PDD (Persistent Depressive Disorder), and PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphonic Disorder).

Closing here, if you feel that you or you know someone who needs help at some stage of depression, then good psychologist Hong Kong are available for any time of the year. You need to understand the graveness of this mental condition and take action against it to prevent or treat it. Asking for help, visit SIO Psychology and Consultancy.

Category(s):Depression, Health Psychology

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SIO Psychology

SIO Psychologist Hong Kong is a psychological science clinic in Hong Kong under the experienced and licensed psychologist Dr. Ghazi Kaddouh (PsyD). At SIO We provide counselling and therapy services to individuals and families who are facing emotional, psychological and relationship problems.